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Re: core dump



>>>>> In the Message: [emacs-w3m: No.00239]
>>>>>      with the date of 15 Mar 2001 11:50:09 +0900
>>>>>   [土] == TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:

土> w3m で大量のアクセスを作り出すと core dump して Emacs ごと落ちてしまう、
土> という症状に悩まされています。

土> 環境は Emacs-20.7 + Solaris-2.7 なのですが、添付したテストプログラムを
土> 以下のように実行してみてください。

土>     emacs -q -no-site-file -l w3m-segv.el

core dumpせず、下記のメッセージで止まりました。


  mime-w3m.el     1.8
  w3m-bookmark.el 1.1
  w3m-form.el     1.1
  w3m-search.el   1.5
  w3m-weather.el  1.2
  w3m.el          1.110
  w3mhack.el      1.7


----  ここから  ------

Signaling: (file-error "Can't exec" "too many open files" "g:/USR/LOCAL/BIN/w3m.cmd")
  start-process("w3m" #<buffer  *temp*> "w3m" "-dump_head" "http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html")
  apply(start-process "w3m" #<buffer  *temp*> "w3m" ("-dump_head" "http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html"))
  (let ((w3m-process-user) (w3m-process-passwd) (w3m-process-user-counter 2) (proc ...)) (set-process-filter proc (quote w3m-exec-filter)) (set-process-sentinel proc (lambda ... nil)) (process-kill-without-query proc) (while (eq ... ...) (if ... ...) (sleep-for 0.2) (discard-input)) (prog1 (process-exit-status proc) (and w3m-current-url w3m-process-user ...)))
  (if w3m-async-exec (let (... ... ... ...) (set-process-filter proc ...) (set-process-sentinel proc ...) (process-kill-without-query proc) (while ... ... ... ...) (prog1 ... ...)) (apply (quote call-process) w3m-command nil t nil args))
  (let ((coding-system-for-read ...) (coding-system-for-write w3m-coding-system) (default-process-coding-system ...) (process-connection-type w3m-process-connection-type)) (if w3m-async-exec (let ... ... ... ... ... ...) (apply ... w3m-command nil t nil args)))
  (save-excursion (let (... ... ... ...) (if w3m-async-exec ... ...)))
  (lambda (&rest args) "Run w3m-command and return process exit status." (save-excursion (let ... ...)))("-dump_head" "http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html")
  apply((lambda (&rest args) "Run w3m-command and return process exit status." (save-excursion (let ... ...))) ("-dump_head" "http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html"))
  w3m-exec-process("-dump_head" "http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html")
  (prog1 (w3m-exec-process "-dump_head" url) (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response... done"))
  (zerop (prog1 (w3m-exec-process "-dump_head" url) (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response... done")))
  (if (zerop (prog1 ... ...)) (progn (w3m-cache-header url ...)))
  (when (zerop (prog1 ... ...)) (w3m-cache-header url (buffer-string)))
  (let ((w3m-current-url url)) (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response...") (when (zerop ...) (w3m-cache-header url ...)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer temp-buffer) (let (...) (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response...") (when ... ...)))
  (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (let (...) (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response...") (when ... ...)))
  (unwind-protect (with-current-buffer temp-buffer (let ... ... ...)) (and (buffer-name temp-buffer) (kill-buffer temp-buffer)))
  (let ((temp-buffer ...)) (unwind-protect (with-current-buffer temp-buffer ...) (and ... ...)))
  (with-temp-buffer (let (...) (w3m-message "Request sent, waiting for response...") (when ... ...)))
  (or (unless no-cache (w3m-cache-request-header url)) (with-temp-buffer (let ... ... ...)))
  (lambda (url &optional no-cache) "Return the header string of the URL.\nIf optional argument NO-CACHE is non-nil, cache is not used." (or (unless no-cache ...) (with-temp-buffer ...)))("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil)
  apply((lambda (url &optional no-cache) "Return the header string of the URL.\nIf optional argument NO-CACHE is non-nil, cache is not used." (or (unless no-cache ...) (with-temp-buffer ...))) ("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil))
  w3m-w3m-get-header("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil)
  (let ((header ...)) (when header (w3m-with-work-buffer ... ... ... ...)))
  (lambda (url &optional no-cache) "Return the header of the URL.\nReturn nil when retirieval of header is failed.  If optional argument\nNO-CACHE is non-nil, cache is not used." (let (...) (when header ...)))("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil)
  apply((lambda (url &optional no-cache) "Return the header of the URL.\nReturn nil when retirieval of header is failed.  If optional argument\nNO-CACHE is non-nil, cache is not used." (let (...) (when header ...))) ("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil))
  w3m-w3m-check-header("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil)
  (let ((headers ...)) (when headers (let ... ...)))
  (lambda (url &optional no-decode accept-type-regexp no-cache) "Retrieve content of URL with w3m and insert it to the working buffer.\nThis function will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval\nsucceed.  If NO-DECODE, set the multibyte flag of the working buffer\nto nil.  Only contents whose content-type matches ACCEPT-TYPE-REGEXP\nare retrieved." (let (...) (when headers ...)))("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil)
  apply((lambda (url &optional no-decode accept-type-regexp no-cache) "Retrieve content of URL with w3m and insert it to the working buffer.\nThis function will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval\nsucceed.  If NO-DECODE, set the multibyte flag of the working buffer\nto nil.  Only contents whose content-type matches ACCEPT-TYPE-REGEXP\nare retrieved." (let (...) (when headers ...))) ("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil))
  w3m-w3m-retrieve("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil)
  (cond ((string-match "^about:" url) (let ... ...)) ((string-match "^\\(file:\\|/\\)" url) (w3m-local-retrieve url no-decode accept-type-regexp)) ((string-match "^cid:" url) (let ... ...)) (t (w3m-w3m-retrieve url no-decode accept-type-regexp no-cache)))
  (lambda (url &optional no-decode accept-type-regexp no-cache) "Retrieve content of URL and insert it to the working buffer.\nThis function will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval\nsucceed.  If NO-DECODE, set the multibyte flag of the working buffer\nto nil.  Only contents whose content-type matches ACCEPT-TYPE-REGEXP\nare retrieved." (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil)
  apply((lambda (url &optional no-decode accept-type-regexp no-cache) "Retrieve content of URL and insert it to the working buffer.\nThis function will return content-type of URL as string when retrieval\nsucceed.  If NO-DECODE, set the multibyte flag of the working buffer\nto nil.  Only contents whose content-type matches ACCEPT-TYPE-REGEXP\nare retrieved." (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (t ...))) ("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil))
  w3m-retrieve("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil)
  apply(w3m-retrieve ("http://spin.asahi.com/0314/past/pinternational14012.html" nil nil nil))
  (while --dolist-temp--79501 (setq args (car --dolist-temp--79501)) (apply (quote w3m-retrieve) args) (setq --dolist-temp--79501 (cdr --dolist-temp--79501)))
  (let ((--dolist-temp--79501 ...) args) (while --dolist-temp--79501 (setq args ...) (apply ... args) (setq --dolist-temp--79501 ...)) nil)
  (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let (... args) (while --dolist-temp--79501 ... ... ...) nil))
  (cl-block-wrapper (catch (quote --cl-block-nil--) (let ... ... nil)))
  (block nil (let (... args) (while --dolist-temp--79501 ... ... ...) nil))
  (dolist (args (quote ...)) (apply (quote w3m-retrieve) args))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "g:/usr/local/emacs-20.7/site-lisp/w3m-segv.el")
  load-with-code-conversion("g:/usr/local/emacs-20.7/site-lisp/w3m-segv.el" "g:/usr/local/emacs-20.7/site-lisp/w3m-segv.el" nil t)
  load("g:/usr/local/emacs-20.7/site-lisp/w3m-segv.el" nil t)
  command-line-1(("-l" "w3m-segv.el"))

  野宮  賢       E-mail: nomiya@ttmy.ne.jp

       "No Windows, no gains!" ... "Why, I am wrong?"
                                          -- Bill --