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Re: Bug#118590: w3m-el: Cannot use onXEmacs21 (non-member post)

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.02089]
>>>>>	Ryuichi Arafune <arafune@debian.org> wrote:

yamaoka> Here is a patch for fixing the problem:

> ???. I can not use w3m on XEmacs21 yet. This is the backtrace when
> we use w3m applied your patch version.

> Signaling: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
>   string-match("^[^/:]+:/+" nil)
>   (if (string-match "^[^/:]+:/+" (symbol-value ...)) (substring ...

Hmm, I don't know why both the variables `w3m-current-title' and
`w3m-current-url' are nil.  What URL you've visited to?

M-x w3m-goto-url
URL (default ****): ???? <=====

And could you please try to use the following patch?  It should
be applied to your w3m-xmas.el (my last patch has been applied).
--- w3m-xmas.el~	Wed Nov  7 11:14:10 2001
+++ w3m-xmas.el	Wed Nov  7 22:54:28 2001
@@ -467,12 +467,15 @@
 				 "^[ -~]+$"
 				 (symbol-value 'w3m-current-title)))
 			   (symbol-value 'w3m-current-title)
-			 (directory-file-name
-			  (if (string-match "^[^/:]+:/+"
-					    (symbol-value 'w3m-current-url))
-			      (substring (symbol-value 'w3m-current-url)
-					 (match-end 0))
-			    (symbol-value 'w3m-current-url)))))
+			 (if (symbol-value 'w3m-current-url)
+			     (directory-file-name
+			      (if (string-match
+				   "^[^/:]+:/+"
+				   (symbol-value 'w3m-current-url))
+				  (substring (symbol-value 'w3m-current-url)
+					     (match-end 0))
+				(symbol-value 'w3m-current-url)))
+			   "(nowhere)")))
 		 (num (if (string-match ".*<\\(.+\\)>$" (buffer-name buffer))
 			  (match-string 1 (buffer-name buffer))))
 		 (lnum (length num)))