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This bug report will be sent to the emacs-w3m development team,
 not to your local site managers!!
Please write in simple English, because the emacs-w3m developers
aren't good at English reading. ;-)

Please describe as succinctly as possible:
	- What happened.
	- What you thought should have happened.
	- Precisely what you were doing at the time.

Please also include any Lisp back-traces that you may have.
Dear Bug Team!

After a recent "apt-get dist-upgrade" my w3m-el stopped working
perfectly, as it normally does.

When trying to go, for example, to Debian Package Search page, I get
(wrong-type-argument integerp nil) error. 

I get this error whether I try to follow a link with a (button-2) mouse
click, or by entering the URL directly: "U" and then

The page loads, but I can then not follow any other link, I get the
error message that w3m cannot run two processes simultaneously.

Thank you very much for any help. w3m is a great browser. I really
appreciate being able to use it. I am a SIMPLE END-USER, so simple
instructions would be appreciated,



System Info to help track down your bug:
 => "1.3.1"
 => "GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-debian-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)\n of 2002-03-22 on raven, modified by Debian"
 => "5.0 (SAKAKI)"
 => gnu/linux
 => "w3m/0.3"
 => w3m
 => ("lang=en" "image" "color" "ansi-color" "mouse" "gpm" "menu" "cookie" "ssl" "ssl-verify" "external-uri-loader" "w3mmailer" "nntp" "gopher" "alarm" "mark" "migemo")
 => nil
 => nil
 => nil
 => nil
 => nil


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integerp nil)
  w3m-prepare-text-content("http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages" "text/html" #<buffer *w3m*> nil)
  byte-code("< \n@	@\"5 	A!% 	A\f
$- \f	A
$5 \"\nA *L \"8W r
q\f!)Ƈ юp!  $)ט r
q\f!)Ƃ \f
%*" [w3m-content-prepare-functions elem --dolist-temp--42359 type url output-buffer nil string-match functionp w3m-prepare-content throw content-prepared t 2 assoc w3m-external-view current-window-configuration ((set-window-configuration cwin)) pop-to-buffer delete-other-windows ding completing-read "Content-type (default Download): " "" retry content-charset w3m-content-type-alist ct cwin] 6)
  w3m-prepare-content("http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages" "text/html" #<buffer *w3m*> nil)
  #[(G42334 G42335 G42336 G42337 G42338 G42339 G42340 type handler --temp-buffer--42320) "Ǝrq	J! \nJ\f\"& \"̕OQ' )L
JB \nJ\"B !B   q \nJJR 	JJ$  	J! \nJ	J!#  !@= !A!\nJ\" \"\" #*" [--temp-buffer--42320 G42337 G42340 url w3m-url-authinfo-regexp G42336 (...) buffer-live-p string-match match-string 1 "//" 0 nil "^http://" y-or-n-p "You are about to leave secure page. continue?" ding w3m-prepare-content get-buffer-window message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" buffer-name t w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" format " (exit status
 %s)" "" type G42339 G42338 w3m-verbose w3m-current-forms w3m-process-exit-status] 6](--G42321-- --G42322-- --secure-- --output-buffer-- --content-charset-- --content-type-- --url-- "text/html" (lambda (action) ((lambda ... ...) action (lambda ... ...))) #<buffer  *w3m-work*>)
  apply(#[(G42334 G42335 G42336 G42337 G42338 G42339 G42340 type handler --temp-buffer--42320) "Ǝrq	J! \nJ\f\"& \"̕OQ' )L
JB \nJ\"B !B   q \nJJR 	JJ$  	J! \nJ	J!#  !@= !A!\nJ\" \"\" #*" [--temp-buffer--42320 G42337 G42340 url w3m-url-authinfo-regexp G42336 (...) buffer-live-p string-match match-string 1 "//" 0 nil "^http://" y-or-n-p "You are about to leave secure page. continue?" ding w3m-prepare-content get-buffer-window message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" buffer-name t w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" format " (exit status: %s)" "" type G42339 G42338 w3m-verbose w3m-current-forms w3m-process-exit-status] 6] --G42321-- --G42322-- --secure-- --output-buffer-- --content-charset-- --content-type-- --url-- ("text/html" (lambda (action) (... action ...)) #))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... "Ǝrq	J! \nJ\f\"& \"̕OQ' )L
JB \nJ\"B !B   q \nJJR 	JJ$  	J! \nJ	J!#  !@= !A!\nJ\" \"\" #*" [--temp-buffer--42320 G42337 G42340 url w3m-url-authinfo-regexp G42336 ... buffer-live-p string-match match-string 1 "//" 0 nil "^http://" y-or-n-p "You are about to leave secure page. continue?" ding w3m-prepare-content get-buffer-window message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" buffer-name t w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" format " (exit status: %s)" "" type G42339 G42338 w3m-verbose w3m-current-forms w3m-process-exit-status] 6]) (quote --G42321--) (quote --G42322--) (quote --secure--) (quote --output-buffer--) (quote --content-charset--) (quote --content-type--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--))("text/html" (lambda (action) ((lambda ... ...) action (lambda ... ...))) #)
  #[(G42325 G42326 G42327 G42328 G42329 G42330 G42331 type handler --temp-buffer--42320) "J	\n#: \fA! \fAH=)?' \n% 	!" [G42325 type handler --temp-buffer--42320 object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 5](--G42321-- --G42322-- --secure-- --output-buffer-- --content-charset-- --content-type-- --url-- "text/html" (lambda (action) ((lambda ... ...) action (lambda ... ...))) #)
  apply(#[(G42325 G42326 G42327 G42328 G42329 G42330 G42331 type handler --temp-buffer--42320) "J	\n#: \fA! \fAH=)?' \n% 	!" [G42325 type handler --temp-buffer--42320 object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 5] --G42321-- --G42322-- --secure-- --output-buffer-- --content-charset-- --content-type-- --url-- ("text/html" (lambda (action) (... action ...)) #))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... "J	\n#: \fA! \fAH=)?' \n% 	!" [G42325 type handler --temp-buffer--42320 object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 5]) (quote --G42321--) (quote --G42322--) (quote --secure--) (quote --output-buffer--) (quote --content-charset--) (quote --content-type--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--))("text/html" (lambda (action) ((lambda ... ...) action (lambda ... ...))) #)
  (lambda (type) ((lambda ... ...) type (lambda ... ...) #<buffer  *w3m-work*>))("text/html")
  #[(G42163 G42164 G42165 G42166 G42167 G42168 G42169 G42170 G42171 G42172 G42173 G42174 type) " 	
 \nJ!\fJU \nJ!\fJSL
	AL Jy 	@=< Ly 	@=R 
J\"!?Ly 	@=` 	@=y m Ly 
J\"!?LJ \nJ!J я
JJJJJ&" [w3m-follow-redirection w3m-current-redirect G42167 type G42174 G42172 0 nil erase-buffer 303 307 y-or-n-p format "Send POST data to '%s'?" 302 301 (byte-code "\nJJ\fJ
J\"J&)#:- #A!- #AH=)  Ɖ$%&'\"AH!= #C ' (
)(@)@Z_(*A@)\\)*A@)[\\*WC +\"+AH,,! ,\",\",!= ,!- ,!= ! )\"C ,AH\")" [--result--42161 handler G42172 G42173 G42171 G42169 nil #[... "" [x --result--42161] 2] w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache vectorp 0 w3m-process-object current-time w3m-process-start-process t process-status 2 run accept-process-output 200 65536 delq processp set-process-filter ignore set-process-sentinel kill-process sit-for 0.1 signal w3m-process-timeout w3m-process-sentinel "finished\n" G42166 object inhibit-quit w3m-process-inhibit-quit w3m-current-process --start--42162 end start x w3m-process-queue process w3m-process-kill-surely] 9) (...) w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache G42169 G42163 w3m-redirect-with-get G42165 G42173 G42171 G42166] 8](--quit-- --return-- --sync-- --redirect-handler-- --orig-handler-- --referer-- --post-data-- --no-cache-- --no-decode-- --url-- --orig-url-- --i-- "text/html")
  apply(#[(G42163 G42164 G42165 G42166 G42167 G42168 G42169 G42170 G42171 G42172 G42173 G42174 type) " 	
 \nJ!\fJU \nJ!\fJSL
	AL Jy 	@=< Ly 	@=R 
J\"!?Ly 	@=` 	@=y m Ly 
J\"!?LJ \nJ!J я
JJJJJ&" [w3m-follow-redirection w3m-current-redirect G42167 type G42174 G42172 0 nil erase-buffer 303 307 y-or-n-p format "Send POST data to '%s'?" 302 301 (byte-code "\nJJ\fJ
J\"J&)#:- #A!- #AH=)  Ɖ$%&'\"AH!= #C ' ()(@)@Z_(*A@)\\)*A@)[\\*WC +\"+AH,,! ,\",\",!= ,!- ,!= ! )\"C ,AH\")" [--result--42161 handler G42172 G42173 G42171 G42169 nil #[... "" [x --result--42161] 2] w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache vectorp 0 w3m-process-object current-time w3m-process-start-process t process-status 2 run accept-process-output 200 65536 delq processp set-process-filter ignore set-process-sentinel kill-process sit-for 0.1 signal w3m-process-timeout w3m-process-sentinel "finished\n" G42166 object inhibit-quit w3m-process-inhibit-quit w3m-current-process --start--42162 end start x w3m-process-queue process w3m-process-kill-surely] 9) (...) w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache G42169 G42163 w3m-redirect-with-get G42165 G42173 G42171 G42166] 8] --quit-- --return-- --sync-- --redirect-handler-- --orig-handler-- --referer-- --post-data-- --no-cache-- --no-decode-- --url-- --orig-url-- --i-- "text/html")
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... " 	
 \nJ!\fJU \nJ!\fJSL
	AL Jy 	@=< Ly 	@=R 
J\"!?Ly 	@=` 	@=y m Ly 
J\"!?LJ \nJ!J я
JJJJJ&" [w3m-follow-redirection w3m-current-redirect G42167 type G42174 G42172 0 nil erase-buffer 303 307 y-or-n-p format "Send POST data to '%s'?" 302 301 ... ... w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache G42169 G42163 w3m-redirect-with-get G42165 G42173 G42171 G42166] 8]) (quote --quit--) (quote --return--) (quote --sync--) (quote --redirect-handler--) (quote --orig-handler--) (quote --referer--) (quote --post-data--) (quote --no-cache--) (quote --no-decode--) (quote --url--) (quote --orig-url--) (quote --i--) --cl-rest--))("text/html")
  #[(G42214 G42215 G42216 G42217 G42218 G42219 attributes handler) "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G42214 attributes handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4](--G42210-- --G42211-- --temp-file-- --no-decode-- --orig-url-- --url-- ("text/html" nil 13017 nil (15700 945) "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages" "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages") (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... " 	
 \nJ!\fJU \nJ!\fJSL
	AL Jy 	@=< Ly 	@=R 
J\"!?Ly 	@=` 	@=y m Ly 
J\"!?LJ \nJ!J я
JJJJJ&" [w3m-follow-redirection w3m-current-redirect G42167 type G42174 G42172 0 nil erase-buffer 303 307 y-or-n-p format "Send POST data to '%s'?" 302 301 ... ... w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache G42169 G42163 w3m-redirect-with-get G42165 G42173 G4
171 G42166] 8]) (quote --quit--) (quote --return--) (quote --sync--) (quote --redirect-handler--) (quote --orig-handler--) (quote --referer--) (quote --post-data--) (quote --no-cache--) (quote --no-decode--) (quote --url--) (quote --orig-url--) (quote --i--) --cl-rest--)))
  apply(#[(G42214 G42215 G42216 G42217 G42218 G42219 attributes handler) "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G42214 attributes handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4] --G42210-- --G42211-- --temp-file-- --no-decode-- --orig-url-- --url-- (("text/html" nil 13017 nil (15700 945) "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages" "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages") (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... --cl-rest--))))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G42214 attributes handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4]) (quote --G42210--) (quote --G42211--) (quote --temp-file--) (quote --no-decode--) (quote --orig-url--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--))(("text/html" nil 13017 nil (15700 945) "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages" "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages") (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... " 	
 \nJ!\fJU \nJ!\fJSL
	AL Jy 	@=< Ly 	@=R 
J\"!?Ly 	@=` 	@=y m Ly 
J\"!?LJ \nJ!J я
JJJJJ&" [w3m-follow-redirection w3m-current-redirect G42167 type G42174 G42172 0 nil erase-buffer 303 307 y-or-n-p format "Send POST data to '%s'?" 302 301 ... ... w3m-w3m-retrieve-1 no-cache G42169 G42163 w3m-redirect-with-get G42165 G42173 G42171 G42166] 8]) (quote --quit--) (quote --return--) (quote --sync--) (quote --redirect-handler--) (quote --orig-handler--) (quote --referer--) (quote --post-data--) (quote --no-cache--) (quote --no-decode--) (quote --url--) (quote --orig-url--) (quote --i--) --cl-rest--)))
  (lambda (attributes) ((lambda ... ...) attributes (lambda ... ...)))(("text/html" nil 13017 nil (15700 945) "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages" "http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages"))
  #[(G42116 G42117 G42118 G42119 result handler) "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G42116 result handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4](--G42112-- --G42113-- --orig-url-- --url-- t (lambda (attributes) ((lambda ... ...) attributes (lambda ... ...))))
  apply(#[(G42116 G42117 G42118 G42119 result handler) "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G42116 result handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4] --G42112-- --G42113-- --orig-url-- --url-- (t (lambda (attributes) (... attributes ...))))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G42116 result handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4]) (quote --G42112--) (quote --G42113--) (quote --orig-url--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--))(t (lambda (attributes) ((lambda ... ...) attributes (lambda ... ...))))
  (lambda (result) ((lambda ... ...) result (lambda ... ...)))(t)
  #[(G41620 G41621 exit-status handler) "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G41620 exit-status handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4](--G41616-- --G41617-- 0 (lambda (result) ((lambda ... ...) result (lambda ... ...))))
  apply(#[(G41620 G41621 exit-status handler) "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G41620 exit-status handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4] --G41616-- --G41617-- (0 (lambda (result) (... result ...))))
  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote #[... "J	\n\": A! AH=)?& \n$ 	!" [G41620 exit-status handler object vectorp 0 w3m-process-object identity] 4]) (quote --G41616--) (quote --G41617--) --cl-rest--))(0 (lambda (result) ((lambda ... ...) result (lambda ... ...))))
  (lambda (exit-status) ((lambda ... ...) exit-status (lambda ... ...)))(0)
  w3m-process-sentinel(#<process /usr/bin/w3m> "finished\n")