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Re: w3m-filter and w3mmee/w3m-m17n

>> On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 14:34:53 +0900
>> 「土」== tsuchiya@pine.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp (TSUCHIYA Masatoshi) said as follows:

土> w3m-filter.el が w3mmee や w3m-m17n でも動作するように halfdump 周
土> 辺を変更しました.

この変更と同時に,w3m-region() が引数 charset を取るようにしました.な
ので,mew-w3m.el は以下のように簡略化できるのではないかと思うのですが,

;; w3m-halfdump-command-arguments の調整は必要かも知れません.
diff -u -u -r1.45 mew-w3m.el
--- mew-w3m.el	17 Jun 2003 01:18:41 -0000	1.45
+++ mew-w3m.el	1 Jul 2003 02:00:57 -0000
@@ -176,29 +176,9 @@
 		(setq xref (match-string 1))
 		(set-text-properties 0 (length xref) nil xref))))))
-       (cond
-	((and (null cache) (eq w3m-type 'w3m-m17n))
-	 ;; Mew-2 + w3m-m17n.
-	 ;; Coding-system and charset are decided by Mew.
-	 (let ((w3m-input-coding-system w3m-input-coding-system)
-	       (w3m-output-coding-system w3m-output-coding-system)
-	       (w3m-halfdump-command-arguments w3m-halfdump-command-arguments))
-	   (when (setq charset (mew-charset-guess-region begin end))
-	     (setq wcs (mew-charset-to-cs charset)))
-	   (when (and charset wcs (mew-coding-system-p wcs))
-	     ;; guess correctly and not us-ascii
-	     (setq w3m-input-coding-system wcs)
-	     (setq w3m-output-coding-system wcs)
-	     (setq w3m-halfdump-command-arguments
-		   (list "-halfdump"
-			 "-I" charset "-O" charset
-			 "-o" "ext_halfdump=1"
-			 "-o" "pre_conv=1"
-			 "-o" "strict_iso2022=0")))
-	   (w3m-region begin end xref)))
-	((null cache)	;; Mew-2 + w3m, w3mmee
-	 (w3m-region begin end xref))
-	(t		;; Old Mew
+       (if (null cache)	;; Mew-2
+	   (w3m-region begin end xref (mew-charset-guess-region begin end))
+	 ;; Old Mew
 	 (setq charset (or (mew-syntax-get-param params "charset")
 			     (set-buffer cache)
土屋 雅稔 ( TSUCHIYA Masatoshi )