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Re: Support for link-numbering


>> On Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:54:40 +0900
>> yamaoka@jpl.org (Katsumi Yamaoka) said as follows:

> However, I cannot enter a search word in the Google page.
> Furthermore, I want to jump to the form area by typing N RET as
> well.

I have just fixed your reported bugs.  Please try the attached program
instead of the attached one in [emacs-w3m:06620].  There is a known
bug even now: it is impossible to call w3m-view-this-url() with prefix
arguments to create a new session.

;; どちらにしても現実逃避時間は使い果たしたので,しばらく対応はできま
;; せん.あとはよろしくお願いします.話は変わりますが,最近,関連プロ
;; グラムが増えてきたので,contrib/ でも掘ろうかと思うのですが,どうで
;; しょう?

TSUCHIYA Masatoshi

Attachment: w3m-link-numbering.el
Description: Binary data