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Re: another bug with previewing a large twiki page

Yesterday I reported a problem that I am having 
   * with emacs-w3m
   * accessing a twiki page at my employer's Intranet
      * the twiki server using https
   * attempting to preview the page
   * emacs-w3m reporting "cannot retrieve", when other browsers find it;
     dumping certificate info

The problem is definitely related to the size of the page, since I can
reproduce it inside Intel simply by adding more data to the page.

However, I set up a demo at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Sandbox/EmacsW3mBugReport2
but cannot reproduce the bug there. Which tends to suggest

   * the emacs-w3m problem is due to some interaction of a very large TWiki page preview
     and something specific to my environment at Intel

in particular, a likely possibility being 

   * the emacs-w3m problem is due to some interaction of a very large TWiki page preview
     and https

   * I can preview smaller versions of ther page with no problem
   * I can reproduce the error inside Intel with a large page
   * I have saved the HTML sent to Internet Explorer, and cannot reproduce
     the problem using w3m to format a file://, http://, or https:// URL.
     Which tends to imply that the problem lies not in the formatting.