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Re: sb-rss.el date oddities

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.07435] David Hansen wrote:

> `shimbun-rss-process-date' expects ISO 8601 date but RSS 2.0
> allows RFC 822 dates: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss

> E.g. the theregister.co.uk RSS sets <pubDate> in the format

>      <pubDate>Mon, 24 Jan 2005 22:11:15 GMT</pubDate>

> and `shimbun-rss-process-date' returns just "2005".  Maybe one
> should extend the date regexp to "^\\(...)" (note the '^') and
> return (or date "") if `date' doesn't match.

> So there is the possibility that a MUA has to deal with screwed
> dates but i guess all MUAs have some way to deal with broken
> headers.

Thank you for the information.  Leave it to me.  I'll make it
support the RFC822 style as well.

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.07436] David Hansen wrote:

> 2005-01-25  David Hansen  <david.hansen@physik.fu-berlin.de>

> 	* shimbun/sb-the-register.el (shimbun-rss-process-date): Work around
>           sb-rss.el date parsing.
> 	(shimbun-get-headers): Rewrite URL to be able to get the images.
> 	(shimbun-make-contents): Remove ads.

If I succeed in it, this will not be needed.