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Re: Suggest improve tool-bar

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09119] Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:

> The image files to be used are listed in the `w3m-toolbar-back-icon'
> variable in the order of `down', `up', `disabled' and `disabled'.
> In my case, that is:

I forgot to put this, sorry.  Here it is:

 (image :type xpm :file "/.../images/w3m/back-up.xpm" :ascent center
	:color-symbols (("backgroundToolBarColor" . "None")))
 (image :type xpm :file "/.../images/w3m/back-disabled.xpm" :ascent center
	:color-symbols (("backgroundToolBarColor" . "None")))
 (image :type xpm :file "/.../images/w3m/back-disabled.xpm" :ascent center
	:color-symbols (("backgroundToolBarColor" . "None")))]