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Re: artifacts in GNU CVS branch emacs-unicode-2
>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09139] Trent Buck wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 06:04:24AM +1100, trentbuck@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I start Emacs with a proportional font:
>> emacs --enable-font-backend --font 'DejaVu Sans-8' --eval '(w3m-browse-url "http://en.wikipedia.org/")'
>> I scroll up and down (C-v, M-v). I see 2 pixel underline to the right
>> of some lines. The underlines should not be there; they are rendering
>> artifacts.
> Screenshot attached.
I guess the cause of this is that Emacs doesn't support the
Telugu language or the Telugu font is missing. I got a similar
result[ScreenShot1] in the Fedora Core 6 system by running the
most recent Emacs 23 and setting the language environment to
English. When I set the language environment to Japanese, those
garbage lines don't appear but an improper font is chosen for
the Telugu text[ScreenShot2]. Even if you don't have emacs-w3m
installed, you will see it by:
1. Start Emacs 23 using the options:
-Q --enable-font-backend --font 'DejaVu Sans-8'
2. Set the language environment to English.
3. Eval the following form:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(let* ((default-enable-multibyte-characters t)
(buffer (get-buffer-create "*Telugu*"))
(text (decode-coding-string "\
\214\320\272\320\260\n" 'utf-8)))
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(dotimes (i (* 3 (window-height)))
(insert text))
(goto-char (point-min)))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---