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Re: View PDF, PS within emacs

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10031] David Hansen wrote:

> how do I get Emacs-W3m to display .pdf and .ps files within Emacs using
> `doc-view-mode'?  Should W3m possibly check for an installed version of
> doc-view and set up `w3m-content-type-alist' to handle these files?

Good idea.  Do you have a concrete plan to make emacs-w3m support
`doc-view-mode'?  I guess we need a Lisp function that downloads
the contents into a local file and performs `find-file' on it if
`auto-mode-alist' contains the `doc-view-mode' element.  But it
might be somewhat troublesome to make emacs-w3m work for a Lisp
function (not an external command) which is specified in
