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Re: Patch for sb-heise.el

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10058]
>>>>>	David <de_bb@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Please find attached a small patch for sb-heise.el which is adapted to
> the new URL scheme on http://www.heise.de/newsticker.

Thank you for improving it.  I've installed the patch in the emacs-w3m
CVS trunk.

> By the way, I recently skimmed through the different shimbuns in CVS
> and noticed that there are several which do not work since the URLs
> are no longer valid, e.g. sb-wiki, sb-bbdb-ml, sb-elips, sb-dennou,
> sb-digiko, sb-f1fan. Maybe some of those URLs can be updated (most
> of them are Japanese so I wouldn't know... :-) ).

Probably Tsuyoshi CHO and I need to scan shimbun modules again as
we did before the last release if no volunteer stands similarly.