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Re: bug: image zooming not work

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10340] Samuel Wales wrote:
> M-[ and M-] produce wrong-type argument stringp, nil.  Here is the
> stack trace.  w3m 0.5.2, Carbon Emacs 22, Mac OS X Tiger.

>   start-process(nil #<buffer  *w3m-work*<5>> nil "-resize" "150%"
> "/Users/sam/.w3m/w3mel5848qFp" "-")


> Any idea what this might be?

I guess you don't have ImageMagick's `convert' program installed.
Isn't the value of the `w3m-imagick-convert-program' variable nil?
See also the info section: (info "(emacs-w3m)Other Requirements")
(type `C-x C-e' at the end of the above line.)
