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Re: cursor disappears off horizon on search

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10330]
>>>>>	"jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx" <jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Very "interesting" bug. If one searches for 77 (C-s 77) on
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jidanni/Sandbox
> everything works nicely.

> But if you (start emacs-w3m again fresh first! and) search for 88, the
> cursor disappears disturbingly off the screen, as the first 8 puts us
> on a different line first...

> Also, with the cursor on 77, use M-< (beginning-of-buffer). Isn't it
> disturbing that one needs a C-a to get to the beginning of line?
> Also please make M-> (end-of-buffer) go to the BEGINNING of the last line.

I tried improving the `w3m-auto-show' function in CVS.  How
about it?  This is one of the functions that is called whatever
command is executed in emacs-w3m buffers.  See the value and the
doc string of the `w3m-after-cursor-move-hook' variable.
