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Re: can't scroll past big images

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10399] jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Using my
> http://jidanni.org/comp/configuration/.emacs and
> http://jidanni.org/comp/configuration/.emacs-w3m
> browsing http://gimp.org/tutorials/Changing_Background_Color_1/ hitting
> T runs the command w3m-toggle-inline-images, you will never
> get past the large image in the middle of the file just using
> SPC runs the command w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url. 80x43 was the size of
> the X window.

It's been improved in Emacs 23 in a measure.  Anyway we have
nothing to be able to do for the built-in function `scroll-up'
which 'w3m-scroll-up-or-next-url' uses.
