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Re: w3m-fontify

Another puzzling element: 

Of course, when I remove the package w3m-el-snapshot.el
(1.4.250+0.20071206) on my Ubuntu install, I solve the problem (BTW, I
am using emacs23).

But I have the same package also installed on an other computer and
everything works like a charm. 

I will send you an email, when I understand the difference.


Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

>>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10440]
>>>>>>	Olivier Klein <oklein@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> Here is the log file of the debugger:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
>>   w3m-decode-entities(reserve-prop)
>>   w3m-fontify()
>>   w3m-region(1347 6452 nil "iso-8859-1")
>>   mm-inline-text-html-render-with-w3m((#<buffer  *mm*<3>>\
>> ("text/html" (charset . "iso-8859-1")) quoted-printable nil nil nil nil nil))
> It looks like there's something special in that html message.
> Though it might not relate to whether your dot-emacs.el file is
> compiled or not, I'd like to know why such an error happens.
> Could you load the w3m.el file (not the w3m.elc file) [1] in
> advance and try getting the *Backtrace* again?
> [1] M-x load-file RET /some/where/w3m.el RET
> Please note that you will have to perform the `C-]' command
> (i.e. `M-x abort-recursive-edit RET') whenever you've seen the
> *Backtrace* buffer in order to initialize the Emacs debugger.
>> This might be linked to some incompatibilities w/ my local lisp files ??
> I'll look into them later, if needed.  Thanks.
> Regards,
Olivier Klein
Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA) - Saclay CEA
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