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Re: invalid timer message on latest build

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10813] Robert D. Crawford wrote:
> I just grabbed the latest build of emacs-w3m.  I'm getting an "invalid
> timer message that repeats over and over.  This happens when I open
> an image file.  Since I use emacspeak, I hear the message every time it
> is spoken.  I wrote the following defadvice to silence the messages:


Could you try this workaround as a temporary measure?

(setq w3m-image-no-idle-timer t)

This makes emacs-w3m behave as before, i.e., it will never use
the idle-timer to fetch images.  In addition, please let us know
whether emacspeak performs defadvice on the function `w3m-message'
to speak messages or not?  To do that, see whether the doc string
of `w3m-message' says "This function is advised...".

I can imagine it is very annoying that Emacs speaks such messages
in the middle of reading web contents.  So we must improve it in
any way.

Emacs が web ページを読み上げるのを聞いている最中に、何度も何度
も "Reading...done" のようなメッセージが割り込んだら、かなり煩わ
しいでしょうね。idle-timer を使う目的が、ともかくテキストを読み
目が見える人にとってもデフォルトで off にしておくのが正解かなと。
そのためには `w3m-message' が何も出力しないようにするフラグを用
意しておいて、idle-timer から起動するときはそのフラグを off 側に
Emacspeak が `w3m-message' そのものを defadvice して読み上げを行