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Re: error in menu-bar update of bookmarks

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:
> Fixed in CVS.  Thanks.

There may still be a problem thereabouts with visiting the bookmarks
when there's no bookmark file

    (w3m-goto-url "about://bookmark/")

gets for me

    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
      w3m-about-bookmark("about://bookmark/" nil nil nil nil ((lambda (&rest --cl-r$
      w3m-about-retrieve("about://bookmark/" nil nil nil nil ((lambda (&rest --cl-r$
      w3m-retrieve("about://bookmark/" nil nil nil nil ((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--)$
      w3m-retrieve-and-render("about://bookmark/" nil nil nil nil ((lambda (&rest -$
      eval((w3m-goto-url "about://bookmark/"))

I suppose `w3m-bookmark-file-modtime' returns nil when the
`w3m-bookmark-file' file doesn't exist yet, which
set-visited-file-modtime then doesn't like.