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Re: Cannot log in

For completeness, here is the HTML FORM:
| <form id="navbar_loginform" action="login.php?do=login" method="post"
| onsubmit="md5hash(vb_login_password, vb_login_md5password,
| vb_login_md5password_utf, 0)">
|   <fieldset id="logindetails" class="logindetails">
|     <div>
|       <div>
|         <input type="text" class="textbox" name="vb_login_username"
|         id="navbar_username" size="10" accesskey="u" tabindex="101"
|         value="Username" />
|         <input type="text" class="textbox default-value" tabindex="102"
|         name="vb_login_password_hint" id="navbar_password_hint"
|         size="10" value="Password" style="display:none;" />
|         <input type="password" class="textbox" tabindex="102"
|         name="vb_login_password" id="navbar_password" size="10" />
|         <input type="submit" class="loginbutton" tabindex="104"
|         value="Log in" title="Enter your [snipped for brevity]"
|         accesskey="s" />
|       </div>
|     </div>
|   </fieldset>
|   <div id="remember" class="remember">
|     <label for="cb_cookieuser_navbar"><input type="checkbox"
|     name="cookieuser" value="1" id="cb_cookieuser_navbar"
|     class="cb_cookieuser_navbar" accesskey="c" tabindex="103" />
|     Remember Me?</label>
|   </div>
|   <input type="hidden" name="s" value="" />
|   <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="guest" />
|   <input type="hidden" name="do" value="login" />
|   <input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password" />
|   <input type="hidden" name="vb_login_md5password_utf" />
| </form>

My only doubt is about the md5hash call, which I think is a javascript
call. OTOH, I can login using FF with scripting disabled, no problem.

Q. also posted to the emacs help ml. Whichever list answers first wins a
virtual cigar, and I'll post the answer to the other list.

Gary        Please do NOT send me 'courtesy' replies off-list.