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Re: w3m-goto-url: Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil on mailto

>>>>> "KY" == Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:
KY> (i.e. M-x load-library w3m.el RET).
Ah, so that is how to get rid of the raw binary stuff!

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument char-or-string-p nil)
  (while body (insert (pop body)) (unless (bolp) (insert "\n")))
  (let (special-display-buffer-names special-display-regexps same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (funcall function buffer) (while body (insert (pop body)) (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))))
  (progn (let (special-display-buffer-names special-display-regexps same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (funcall function buffer) (while body (insert (pop body)) (unless (bolp) (insert "\n")))))
  (if function (progn (let (special-display-buffer-names special-display-regexps same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (funcall function buffer) (while body (insert (pop body)) (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))))))
  (when function (let (special-display-buffer-names special-display-regexps same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (funcall function buffer) (while body (insert (pop body)) (unless (bolp) (insert "\n")))))
  (let ((before (nreverse (buffer-list))) comp info body buffers buffer function) (setq url (w3m-decode-entities-string url)) (save-window-excursion (if (and (symbolp w3m-mailto-url-function) (fboundp w3m-mailto-url-function)) (funcall w3m-mailto-url-function url) (unless (and (boundp (quote mail-user-agent)) (symbol-value (quote mail-user-agent))) (error "You must specify the valid value to `mail-user-agent'")) (unless (and (setq comp (get (symbol-value ...) (quote composefunc))) (fboundp comp)) (error "No function to compose a mail in `%s'" (symbol-value (quote mail-user-agent)))) (if (or (featurep (quote rfc2368)) (condition-case nil (require (quote rfc2368)) (error nil))) (progn (setq info (rfc2368-parse-mailto-url url) body (assoc "Body" info) info (delq body info) body (list (cdr body))) (when post-data (setq body (nconc body ...))) (apply comp (append (mapcar ... ...) (list info)))) (string-match ":\\([^?]+\\)" url) (funcall comp (match-string 1 url))))) (setq buffers (nreverse (buffer-list))) (save-current-buffer (while buffers (setq buffer (car buffers) buffers (cdr buffers)) (unless (memq buffer before) (set-buffer buffer) (when (setq function (cdr (assq major-mode w3m-mailto-url-popup-function-alist))) (setq buffers nil))))) (when function (let (special-display-buffer-names special-display-regexps same-window-buffer-names same-window-regexps) (funcall function buffer) (while body (insert (pop body)) (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))))))
  w3m-goto-mailto-url("mailto:event@xxxxxxxxxxx" nil)
  (cond ((string-match "\\`mailto:" url) (w3m-goto-mailto-url url post-data)) ((and w3m-use-ange-ftp (string-match "\\`ftps?://" url) (not (string= "text/html" (w3m-local-content-type url)))) (w3m-goto-ftp-url url)) ((condition-case nil (and (w3m-url-local-p url) w3m-local-find-file-function (let ((base-url (w3m-url-strip-fragment url)) (match (car w3m-local-find-file-regexps)) nomatch file) (and (or (not match) (string-match match base-url)) (not (and ... ...)) (setq file (w3m-url-to-file-name base-url)) (file-exists-p file) (not (file-directory-p file)) (prog1 t (funcall ... file))))) (error nil))) ((w3m-buffer-local-url-p url) (let (file-part fragment-part) (w3m-string-match-url-components url) (setq file-part (concat (match-string 4 url) (match-string 5 url)) fragment-part (match-string 9 url)) (cond ((and (string= file-part "") fragment-part) (w3m-search-name-anchor fragment-part)) ((not (string= file-part "")) (w3m-goto-url (w3m-expand-url (substring url ...) (concat "file://" default-directory)) reload charset post-data referer handler element)) (t (w3m-message "No URL at point"))))) ((w3m-url-valid url) (w3m-buffer-setup) (w3m-arrived-setup) (unless no-popup (w3m-popup-buffer (current-buffer))) (w3m-cancel-refresh-timer (current-buffer)) (when w3m-current-process (error "%s" (substitute-command-keys "\nCannot run two w3m processes simultaneously (Type `\\<w3m-mode-map>\\[w3m-process-stop]' to stop asynchronous process)"))) (w3m-process-stop (current-buffer)) (w3m-idle-images-show-unqueue (current-buffer)) (when (w3m-interactive-p) (w3m-history-store-position)) (if (string-match "\\`group:" url) (let ((urls (mapcar (quote w3m-url-decode-string) (split-string ... "&"))) (w3m-async-exec (and w3m-async-exec-with-many-urls w3m-async-exec)) buffers) (w3m-process-do (type (save-window-excursion (prog1 ... ... ...))) type)) (lexical-let ((orig url) (url (w3m-url-strip-authinfo url)) (reload (and (not ...) reload)) (redisplay (eq reload (quote redisplay))) (charset charset) (post-data post-data) (referer referer) (name) (history-position (get-text-property (point) (quote history-position))) (reuse-history w3m-history-reuse-history-elements)) (when w3m-current-forms (w3m-history-plist-put :forms w3m-current-forms)) (let ((w3m-current-buffer (current-buffer))) (unless element (setq element (if ... ... ...))) (when (setq w3m-current-forms (when ... ...)) (setq w3m-current-forms (cons t w3m-current-forms))) (when (and post-data element) (w3m-history-set-plist (cadr element) :forms nil)) (when (and (w3m-url-local-p url) (file-directory-p ...) (setq url ...) (eq w3m-local-directory-view-method ...) (string-match "\\`file:///" url)) (setq url (replace-match "about://dtree/" nil nil url) orig url)) (w3m-string-match-url-components url) (and (match-beginning 8) (setq name (match-string 9 url) url (substring url 0 ...))) (when (w3m-url-local-p url) (unless (string-match "[^^@-^?]" url) (setq url ...))) (w3m-process-do (action (if ... ... ... ... ...)) (with-current-buffer w3m-current-buffer (setq w3m-current-process nil) (if ... ... ... ... ... ...) (setq buffer-read-only t) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (setq list-buffers-directory w3m-current-title) (setq default-directory ...) (w3m-buffer-name-add-title) (w3m-update-toolbar) (w3m-select-buffer-update) (let ... ... ...) (w3m-session-crash-recovery-save) (when ... ...) (when ... ...) (w3m-set-buffer-unseen) (w3m-refresh-at-time))))))) (t (w3m-message "Invalid URL: %s" url)))
  w3m-goto-url("mailto:event@xxxxxxxxxxx" nil nil nil "http://event.pots.tw/web/view/2094/date/2012-04-14" ((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote (lambda (G85413 G85414 G85415 G85416 G85417 G85418 success) (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 0) (if (and (symbol-value G85414) (buffer-name ...)) (w3m-delete-buffer-if-empty (symbol-value G85413))) (if (symbol-value G85414) (if (and ... ...) (save-current-buffer ... ...))) (if (and w3m-new-session-in-background (not ...) (or ... ...) (or ... ...)) (set-window-configuration (symbol-value G85415)) (if (eq ... w3m-current-url) nil (w3m-recenter))))) (quote --buffer--) (quote --pos--) (quote --wconfig--) (quote --obuffer--) (quote --url--) (quote --cur--) --cl-rest--))))
  (let ((handler (cons --post-function--85412 handler))) (w3m-goto-url (symbol-value --cl-url--) reload nil nil w3m-current-url handler))
  (let ((success (let ((handler (cons --post-function--85412 handler))) (w3m-goto-url (symbol-value --cl-url--) reload nil nil w3m-current-url handler)))) (if (w3m-process-p success) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) (if (w3m-process-p (setq success (funcall --post-function--85412 success))) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) success)))
  (let ((--post-function--85412 (list (quote lambda) (quote (&rest --cl-rest--)) (list (quote apply) (list (quote quote) (function (lambda ... ... ... ... ...))) (list (quote quote) --cl-buffer--) (list (quote quote) --cl-pos--) (list (quote quote) --cl-wconfig--) (list (quote quote) --cl-obuffer--) (list (quote quote) --cl-url--) (list (quote quote) --cl-cur--) (quote --cl-rest--))))) (let ((success (let ((handler (cons --post-function--85412 handler))) (w3m-goto-url (symbol-value --cl-url--) reload nil nil w3m-current-url handler)))) (if (w3m-process-p success) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) (if (w3m-process-p (setq success (funcall --post-function--85412 success))) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) success))))
  (let (handler) (let ((--post-function--85412 (list (quote lambda) (quote (&rest --cl-rest--)) (list (quote apply) (list (quote quote) (function ...)) (list (quote quote) --cl-buffer--) (list (quote quote) --cl-pos--) (list (quote quote) --cl-wconfig--) (list (quote quote) --cl-obuffer--) (list (quote quote) --cl-url--) (list (quote quote) --cl-cur--) (quote --cl-rest--))))) (let ((success (let ((handler ...)) (w3m-goto-url (symbol-value --cl-url--) reload nil nil w3m-current-url handler)))) (if (w3m-process-p success) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) (if (w3m-process-p (setq success (funcall --post-function--85412 success))) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) success)))))
  (progn (if new-session (let ((empty (not (and (progn ... ...) (string-equal w3m-current-url ...))))) (progn (set --cl-pos-- (point-marker)) (set --cl-buffer-- (w3m-copy-buffer nil nil nil empty w3m-new-session-in-background))) (if w3m-new-session-in-background (set-buffer (symbol-value --cl-buffer--))) (if empty (w3m-display-progress-message (symbol-value --cl-url--)))) (set --cl-buffer-- (current-buffer))) (let (handler) (let ((--post-function--85412 (list (quote lambda) (quote (&rest --cl-rest--)) (list (quote apply) (list ... ...) (list ... --cl-buffer--) (list ... --cl-pos--) (list ... --cl-wconfig--) (list ... --cl-obuffer--) (list ... --cl-url--) (list ... --cl-cur--) (quote --cl-rest--))))) (let ((success (let (...) (w3m-goto-url ... reload nil nil w3m-current-url handler)))) (if (w3m-process-p success) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) (if (w3m-process-p (setq success ...)) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) success))))))
  (let ((--cl-cur-- (make-symbol "--cur--")) (--cl-url-- (make-symbol "--url--")) (--cl-obuffer-- (make-symbol "--obuffer--")) (--cl-wconfig-- (make-symbol "--wconfig--")) (--cl-pos-- (make-symbol "--pos--")) (--cl-buffer-- (make-symbol "--buffer--"))) (setf (symbol-value --cl-cur--) w3m-current-url (symbol-value --cl-url--) url (symbol-value --cl-obuffer--) (current-buffer) (symbol-value --cl-wconfig--) (current-window-configuration) (symbol-value --cl-pos--) nil (symbol-value --cl-buffer--) nil) (progn (if new-session (let ((empty (not (and ... ...)))) (progn (set --cl-pos-- (point-marker)) (set --cl-buffer-- (w3m-copy-buffer nil nil nil empty w3m-new-session-in-background))) (if w3m-new-session-in-background (set-buffer (symbol-value --cl-buffer--))) (if empty (w3m-display-progress-message (symbol-value --cl-url--)))) (set --cl-buffer-- (current-buffer))) (let (handler) (let ((--post-function--85412 (list (quote lambda) (quote ...) (list ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))) (let ((success (let ... ...))) (if (w3m-process-p success) (if handler success (w3m-process-start-process success)) (if (w3m-process-p ...) (if handler success ...) success)))))))
  (lexical-let ((cur w3m-current-url) (url url) (obuffer (current-buffer)) (wconfig (current-window-configuration)) pos buffer) (if new-session (let ((empty (not (and (progn ... ...) (string-equal w3m-current-url ...))))) (setq pos (point-marker) buffer (w3m-copy-buffer nil nil nil empty w3m-new-session-in-background)) (when w3m-new-session-in-background (set-buffer buffer)) (when empty (w3m-display-progress-message url))) (setq buffer (current-buffer))) (let (handler) (w3m-process-do (success (w3m-goto-url url reload nil nil w3m-current-url handler)) (set-window-hscroll (selected-window) 0) (when (and pos (buffer-name buffer)) (w3m-delete-buffer-if-empty buffer)) (when pos (when (and (marker-buffer pos) (buffer-name (marker-buffer pos))) (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer pos) (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (w3m-refontify-anchor))))) (if (and w3m-new-session-in-background (not (eq obuffer (current-buffer))) (or (buffer-name buffer) (progn (w3m-message "") nil)) (or (eq major-mode (quote w3m-mode)) (not (eq ... ...)))) (set-window-configuration wconfig) (unless (eq cur w3m-current-url) (w3m-recenter))))))
  w3m-view-this-url-1("mailto:event@xxxxxxxxxxx" nil nil)
  (cond ((setq act (w3m-action)) (let ((w3m-form-new-session new-session) (w3m-form-download nil)) (eval act))) ((setq url (w3m-url-valid (w3m-anchor))) (w3m-view-this-url-1 url arg new-session)) ((w3m-url-valid (w3m-image)) (if (w3m-display-graphic-p) (w3m-toggle-inline-image) (w3m-view-image))) ((setq url (w3m-active-region-or-url-at-point t)) (unless (eq (quote quit) (setq url (w3m-input-url nil url (quote quit) nil (quote feeling-lucky)))) (w3m-view-this-url-1 url arg new-session))) (t (w3m-message "No URL at point")))
  (let ((w3m-prefer-cache (or w3m-prefer-cache (and (stringp w3m-current-url) (string-match "\\`about://\\(?:db-\\)?history/" w3m-current-url)))) act url) (cond ((setq act (w3m-action)) (let ((w3m-form-new-session new-session) (w3m-form-download nil)) (eval act))) ((setq url (w3m-url-valid (w3m-anchor))) (w3m-view-this-url-1 url arg new-session)) ((w3m-url-valid (w3m-image)) (if (w3m-display-graphic-p) (w3m-toggle-inline-image) (w3m-view-image))) ((setq url (w3m-active-region-or-url-at-point t)) (unless (eq (quote quit) (setq url (w3m-input-url nil url (quote quit) nil (quote feeling-lucky)))) (w3m-view-this-url-1 url arg new-session))) (t (w3m-message "No URL at point"))))
  w3m-view-this-url(nil nil)
  call-interactively(w3m-view-this-url nil nil)