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Re: tables need borders

In [emacs-w3m : No.11815] jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> 1. http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Serialization has a table that needs a
> border to be readable.

> 2. in http://jidanni.org/comp/configuration/.emacs-w3m I had a function
> that used to do the job.

> 3. However adding the google function at the end of the file ruined it.

Oops, sorry.  I never imagined you are a w3m-filter user.
Please replace this line at the bottom of your .emacs-w3m file

     (setq w3m-filter-rules
	   '(("\\`https?://[a-z]+\\.google\\." w3m-filter-google)))


     (setcar (rassoc '(w3m-filter-google) w3m-filter-rules)

Otherwise simply do the following (it will make it a bit faster):

1. Remove this line in the middle of of your .emacs-w3m file:

(eval-after-load "w3m-filter"
  '(nconc w3m-filter-rules '((".*" w3m-filter-no-render-table))))

2. Replace this line at the bottom of your .emacs-w3m file

     (setq w3m-filter-rules
	   '(("\\`https?://[a-z]+\\.google\\." w3m-filter-google)))


     (setq w3m-filter-rules
	   '(("\\`https?://[a-z]+\\.google\\." w3m-filter-google)
	     (".*" w3m-filter-no-render-table)))