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Re: emacs w3m search error.

In [emacs-w3m : No.12020] Asif wrote:
> Error Message:
> error in process sentinel: w3m-process-sentinel: Symbol's function
> definition is void: --post-body--23861
> error in process sentinel: Symbol's function definition is void:
> --post-body--23861

I suspect w3m-el you use has been compiled not in the proper way.
I think the best would be to install it again from the source by
yourself.  If you don't like to do that, the second best would be
to compile some modules again one by one manually.  To do that:

Load w3m-proc.el (not w3m-proc.elc):
  M-x load-library RET w3m-proc.el RET
Byte-compile some modules:
  M-x byte-compile-file RET /PATH/w3m-proc.el RET
  M-x byte-compile-file RET /PATH/w3m-ems.el RET
  M-x byte-compile-file RET /PATH/w3m-image.el RET
  M-x byte-compile-file RET /PATH/w3m-favicon.el RET
  M-x byte-compile-file RET /PATH/w3m-antenna.el RET
  M-x byte-compile-file RET /PATH/w3m.el RET
Load those recompiled modules:
  M-x load-library RET w3m-proc RET
  M-x load-library RET w3m-ems RET
  M-x load-library RET w3m-image RET
  M-x load-library RET w3m-favicon RET
  M-x load-library RET w3m-antenna RET
  M-x load-library RET w3m RET

Where /PATH/ is the directory where emacs-w3m is installed.
Make sure that another emacs-w3m installation is not somewhere.