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Re: w3m-uri-replace-alist: necessity of using colons in keys

In [emacs-w3m : No.12130] Michael Heerdegen wrote:
> Currently, all keys in `w3m-uri-replace-alist' must include a colon.  If
> you try something without colon like

> (put-alist 'w3m-uri-replace-alist "\\`ew"
> 	   '(w3m-search-uri-replace "emacswiki"))

If you're talking about APEL's put-alist, I think this should be:

(setq w3m-uri-replace-alist
      (put-alist "\\`ew" '(w3m-search-uri-replace "emacswiki")

> and then enter a uri like "ew w3m" this won't work (try it!)

Well, you don't want "http //www.gnu.org" to work as well as
"http://www.gnu.org", do you?

> because
> before `w3m-uri-replace' is called, `w3m-canonicalize-url' "fixes" the
> url to a Google feeling lucky thing.  The colon is hardcoded in
> `w3m-url-components-regexp'.

Because "gg:" and the like is the scheme name + delimiter like
"http:".  Of course it's a local rule, so those schemes are valid
only in emacs-w3m.  But it might be better to let an "ew w3m" thing
work iff the key you registered is "\\`ew " (or "\\`ew[\t ]+").
Is it ok?  If so, I'll install this patch:
--- w3m.el~	2013-08-26 10:46:18.000000000 +0000
+++ w3m.el	2013-09-02 04:26:00.864628700 +0000
@@ -4584,17 +4584,21 @@
   (if (string-match "\\`\\(https?://[-.0-9a-z]+\\)\\([#?].*\\)" url)
       (concat (match-string 1 url) "/" (match-string 2 url))
     (w3m-string-match-url-components url)
-    (cond
-     ((match-beginning 1)
-      url)
-     ((and (file-name-absolute-p url) (file-exists-p url))
-      (concat "file://" url))
-     (feeling-lucky
-      (concat "\
+    (let (replaced)
+      (cond
+       ((match-beginning 1)
+	url)
+       ((and (file-name-absolute-p url) (file-exists-p url))
+	(concat "file://" url))
+       ((and (setq replaced (ignore-errors (w3m-uri-replace url)))
+	     (not (string= url replaced)))
+	replaced)
+       (feeling-lucky
+	(concat "\
-	      (w3m-url-encode-string url nil t)))
-     (t
-      (concat "http://" url)))))
+		(w3m-url-encode-string url nil t)))
+       (t
+	(concat "http://" url))))))
 (defun w3m-input-url (&optional prompt initial default quick-start
 				feeling-lucky no-initial)
@@ -9033,18 +9037,16 @@
   (catch 'found-replacement
     (dolist (elem w3m-uri-replace-alist uri)
       (when (string-match (car elem) uri)
-	(if (setq uri
-		  (cond
-		   ((consp (cdr elem))
-		    (apply (cadr elem) uri (cddr elem)))
-		   ;; Rest conditions are inserted in order to keep
-		   ;; backward compatibility.
-		   ((functionp (cdr elem))
-		    (funcall (cdr elem) uri))
-		   ((stringp (cdr elem))
-		    (w3m-pattern-uri-replace uri (cdr elem)))))
-	    (throw 'found-replacement uri)
-	  (error "Invalid replacement: %s" elem))))))
+	(throw 'found-replacement
+	       (cond
+		((consp (cdr elem))
+		 (apply (cadr elem) uri (cddr elem)))
+		;; Rest conditions are inserted in order to keep
+		;; backward compatibility.
+		((functionp (cdr elem))
+		 (funcall (cdr elem) uri))
+		((stringp (cdr elem))
+		 (w3m-pattern-uri-replace uri (cdr elem)))))))))
 (defun w3m-goto-mailto-url (url &optional post-data)
   (let ((before (nreverse (buffer-list)))
@@ -9388,7 +9390,6 @@
 	     (not (w3m-interactive-p)))
     (setq url (w3m-canonicalize-url url)))
   (set-text-properties 0 (length url) nil url)
-  (setq url (w3m-uri-replace url))
   (unless (or (w3m-url-local-p url)
 	      (string-match "\\`about:" url))
     (w3m-string-match-url-components url)