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error with w3m-puny-decode-url

This bug report will be sent to the emacs-w3m development team,
(B not to your local site managers!!
(BPlease write in simple English, because the emacs-w3m developers
(Baren't good at English reading. ;-)
(BPlease describe as succinctly as possible:
(B	- What happened.
(B	- What you thought should have happened.
(B	- Precisely what you were doing at the time.
(BPlease also include any Lisp back-traces that you may have.
(BDear Bug Team!
(BInstalled the new w3m package from Melpa today.  But whenever I hit g
(Band enter an address, I get an error.  From emacs -Q, I just loaded w3m,
(Bdid M-x w3m, and g http://www.google.com, and got this:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
(B  string-match("xn--\\([-0-9a-zA-z]+\\)" nil)
(B  (and w3m-puny-utf-16be (string-match w3m-puny-code-regex url))
(B  (if (and w3m-puny-utf-16be (string-match w3m-puny-code-regex url)) (progn (if (string-match "\\`[^:/]+://\\([^/]+\\)" url) (progn (setq prot (substring url 0 (match-beginning 1))) (setq host (substring url (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) (setq after (substring url (match-end 0))) (while (string-match w3m-puny-code-regex host) (setq host (concat (substring host 0 ...) (w3m-puny-decode ...) (substring host ...)))) (setq url (concat prot host after))))))
(B  (let ((case-fold-search t) prot host after) (if (and w3m-puny-utf-16be (string-match w3m-puny-code-regex url)) (progn (if (string-match "\\`[^:/]+://\\([^/]+\\)" url) (progn (setq prot (substring url 0 (match-beginning 1))) (setq host (substring url (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) (setq after (substring url (match-end 0))) (while (string-match w3m-puny-code-regex host) (setq host (concat ... ... ...))) (setq url (concat prot host after)))))) url)
(B  w3m-puny-decode-url(nil)
(B  (insert (w3m-puny-decode-url (if (string-match "[^-]" w3m-current-url) w3m-current-url (w3m-url-decode-string w3m-current-url w3m-current-coding-system "%\\([2-9a-f][0-9a-f]\\)"))))
(B  (let ((start (point))) (insert (w3m-puny-decode-url (if (string-match "[^-]" w3m-current-url) w3m-current-url (w3m-url-decode-string w3m-current-url w3m-current-coding-system "%\\([2-9a-f][0-9a-f]\\)")))) (w3m-add-face-property start (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-content)) (add-text-properties start (point) (append (list (quote rear-nonsticky) t) (cons (quote mouse-face) (cons (quote highlight) (cons (quote keymap) (cons w3m-header-line-map (if ... ... ...)))))) nil) (setq start (point)) (insert-char 32 (max 0 (- (if (and w3m-select-buffer-horizontal-window (get-buffer-window w3m-select-buffer-name)) (frame-width) (window-width)) (current-column) 1))) (w3m-add-face-property start (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-content)) (if (eolp) nil (insert "\n")))
(B  (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((ct (w3m-arrived-get w3m-current-url (quote content-type))) (charset (w3m-arrived-get w3m-current-url (quote content-charset)))) (insert (format "Location%s: " (cond ((and ct charset) " [TC]") (ct " [T]") (charset " [C]") (t ""))))) (w3m-add-face-property (point-min) (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-title)) (let ((start (point))) (insert (w3m-puny-decode-url (if (string-match "[^-]" w3m-current-url) w3m-current-url (w3m-url-decode-string w3m-current-url w3m-current-coding-system "%\\([2-9a-f][0-9a-f]\\)")))) (w3m-add-face-property start (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-content)) (add-text-properties start (point) (append (list (quote rear-nonsticky) t) (cons (quote mouse-face) (cons (quote highlight) (cons (quote keymap) (cons w3m-header-line-map ...))))) nil) (setq start (point)) (insert-char 32 (max 0 (- (if (and w3m-select-buffer-horizontal-window (get-buffer-window w3m-select-buffer-name)) (frame-width) (window-width)) (current-column) 1))) (w3m-add-face-property start (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-content)) (if (eolp) nil (insert "\n"))))
(B  (if (and (or (featurep (quote xemacs)) w3m-use-tab) w3m-use-header-line w3m-current-url (eq (quote w3m-mode) major-mode)) (progn (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((ct (w3m-arrived-get w3m-current-url (quote content-type))) (charset (w3m-arrived-get w3m-current-url (quote content-charset)))) (insert (format "Location%s: " (cond ((and ct charset) " [TC]") (ct " [T]") (charset " [C]") (t ""))))) (w3m-add-face-property (point-min) (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-title)) (let ((start (point))) (insert (w3m-puny-decode-url (if (string-match "[^-]" w3m-current-url) w3m-current-url (w3m-url-decode-string w3m-current-url w3m-current-coding-system "%\\([2-9a-f][0-9a-f]\\)")))) (w3m-add-face-property start (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-content)) (add-text-properties start (point) (append (list (quote rear-nonsticky) t) (cons (quote mouse-face) (cons (quote highlight) (cons ... ...)))) nil) (setq start (point)) (insert-char 32 (max 0 (- (if (and w3m-select-buffer-horizontal-window ...) (frame-width) (window-width)) (current-column) 1))) (w3m-add-face-property start (point) (quote w3m-header-line-location-content)) (if (eolp) nil (insert "\n")))))
(B  w3m-header-line-insert()
(B  (let ((case-fold-search t) (inhibit-read-only t)) (w3m-message "Fontifying...") (run-hooks (quote w3m-fontify-before-hook)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "<a[	\n ]+[^>]+>[	\n ]*</a>" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (search-forward "<?xml" nil t) (let ((start (match-beginning 0))) (search-forward "?>" nil t) (delete-region start (match-end 0)) (goto-char (point-min)))) (let (start) (and (search-forward "<title>" nil t) (setq start (match-beginning 0)) (search-forward "</title>" nil t) (delete-region start (match-end 0)))) (w3m-fontify-bold) (w3m-fontify-italic) (w3m-fontify-strike-through) (w3m-fontify-insert) (w3m-fontify-underline) (if w3m-use-symbol (progn (w3m-replace-symbol))) (w3m-fontify-anchors) (if w3m-use-form (progn (w3m-fontify-forms))) (w3m-fontify-images) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "</?[A-Za-z_][^>]*>" nil t) (let* ((start (match-beginning 0)) (fid (get-text-property start (quote w3m-form-field-id)))) (if (and fid (string-match "/type=text\\(?:area\\)?/" fid)) (goto-char (1+ start)) (delete-region start (match-end 0))))) (w3m-decode-entities (quote reserve-prop)) (if w3m-use-form (progn (w3m-fontify-textareas))) (goto-char (point-min)) (if w3m-delete-duplicated-empty-lines (progn (while (re-search-forward "^[ 	]*\n\\(?:[ 	]*\n\\)+" nil t) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (1- (match-end 0)))))) (goto-char (point-min)) (skip-chars-forward "	\n  ") (delete-region (point-min) (point-at-bol)) (w3m-header-line-insert) (put-text-property (point-min) (point-max) (quote w3m-safe-url-regexp) w3m-safe-url-regexp) (w3m-message "Fontifying...done") (run-hooks (quote w3m-fontify-after-hook)))
(B  w3m-fontify()
(B  (progn (w3m-fontify))
(B  (if (string= "text/html" type) (progn (w3m-fontify)))
(B  (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (widen) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert-buffer-substring result-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (w3m-copy-local-variables result-buffer) (set-buffer-file-coding-system w3m-current-coding-system) (if (string= "text/html" type) (progn (w3m-fontify))) (quote text-page))
(B  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer page-buffer) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (widen) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert-buffer-substring result-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (w3m-copy-local-variables result-buffer) (set-buffer-file-coding-system w3m-current-coding-system) (if (string= "text/html" type) (progn (w3m-fontify))) (quote text-page)))
(B  (let ((result-buffer (current-buffer))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer page-buffer) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (widen) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert-buffer-substring result-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (w3m-copy-local-variables result-buffer) (set-buffer-file-coding-system w3m-current-coding-system) (if (string= "text/html" type) (progn (w3m-fontify))) (quote text-page))))
(B  w3m-create-text-page("http://www.google.de/?gws_rd=cr&ei=Z8YlUpGPDofCtQaS6oH4Bg" "text/html" "ISO-8859-1" #<buffer *w3m*>)
(B  (cond ((string-match "\\`text/" type) (w3m-create-text-page url type charset page-buffer)) ((string-match "\\`image/" type) (w3m-create-image-page url type charset page-buffer)) ((member type w3m-doc-view-content-types) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer page-buffer) (setq w3m-current-url (if (w3m-arrived-p url) (nth 5 (w3m-attributes url nil)) url))) (w3m-doc-view url)) (t (save-current-buffer (set-buffer page-buffer) (setq w3m-current-url (if (w3m-arrived-p url) (nth 5 (w3m-attributes url nil)) url)) (w3m-external-view url) (quote external-view))))
(B  w3m-create-page("http://www.google.de/?gws_rd=cr&ei=Z8YlUpGPDofCtQaS6oH4Bg" "text/html" "ISO-8859-1" #<buffer *w3m*>)
(B  (prog1 (w3m-create-page (symbol-value G39021) (or (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-type)) type) (or (symbol-value G39020) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-charset)) (nth 1 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil))) (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-force-window-update-later (symbol-value G39019) 1e-09) (if (get-buffer-window (symbol-value G39019)) nil (w3m-message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" (symbol-value G39021) (buffer-name (symbol-value G39019)))))
(B  (let ((modified-time (nth 4 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil)))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil modified-time (symbol-value G39018)) (if modified-time nil (let* ((v (symbol-value G39021))) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) nil))) (let ((real (nth 5 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil)))) (if (string= (symbol-value G39021) real) nil (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil nil (symbol-value G39018)) (let* ((v real)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote title) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote title)))) (let* ((v real)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote last-modified)))) (let* ((v G39021)) (set v real)))) (prog1 (w3m-create-page (symbol-value G39021) (or (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-type)) type) (or (symbol-value G39020) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-charset)) (nth 1 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil))) (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-force-window-update-later (symbol-value G39019) 1e-09) (if (get-buffer-window (symbol-value G39019)) nil (w3m-message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" (symbol-value G39021) (buffer-name (symbol-value G39019))))))
(B  (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (w3m-message (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s" (symbol-value G39021))))) (let ((modified-time (nth 4 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil)))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil modified-time (symbol-value G39018)) (if modified-time nil (let* ((v (symbol-value G39021))) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) nil))) (let ((real (nth 5 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil)))) (if (string= (symbol-value G39021) real) nil (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil nil (symbol-value G39018)) (let* ((v real)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote title) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote title)))) (let* ((v real)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote last-modified)))) (let* ((v G39021)) (set v real)))) (prog1 (w3m-create-page (symbol-value G39021) (or (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-type)) type) (or (symbol-value G39020) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-charset)) (nth 1 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil))) (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-force-window-update-later (symbol-value G39019) 1e-09) (if (get-buffer-window (symbol-value G39019)) nil (w3m-message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" (symbol-value G39021) (buffer-name (symbol-value G39019)))))))
(B  (if type (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (w3m-message (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s" (symbol-value G39021))))) (let ((modified-time (nth 4 (w3m-attributes (symbol-value G39021) nil)))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil modified-time (symbol-value G39018)) (if modified-time nil (let* ((v (symbol-value G39021))) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) nil))) (let ((real (nth 5 (w3m-attributes ... nil)))) (if (string= (symbol-value G39021) real) nil (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil nil (symbol-value G39018)) (let* ((v real)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote title) (w3m-arrived-get ... ...))) (let* ((v real)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) (w3m-arrived-get ... ...))) (let* ((v G39021)) (set v real)))) (prog1 (w3m-create-page (symbol-value G39021) (or (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-type)) type) (or (symbol-value G39020) (w3m-arrived-get (symbol-value G39021) (quote content-charset)) (nth 1 (w3m-attributes ... nil))) (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-force-window-update-later (symbol-value G39019) 1e-09) (if (get-buffer-window (symbol-value G39019)) nil (w3m-message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" (symbol-value G39021) (buffer-name (symbol-value G39019))))))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (ding) (if (eq (car w3m-current-forms) t) (progn (setq w3m-current-forms (cdr w3m-current-forms)))) (prog1 (if (and w3m-show-error-information (not (or (w3m-url-local-p (symbol-value G39021)) (string-match "\\`about:" (symbol-value G39021))))) (progn (w3m-show-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39020) (symbol-value G39019)))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" (symbol-value G39021) (cond ((and w3m-process-exit-status (not ...)) (format " (exit status: %s)" w3m-process-exit-status)) (w3m-http-status (format " (http status: %s)" w3m-http-status)) (t ""))))))
(B  (progn (let* ((v G39021)) (set v (w3m-url-strip-authinfo (symbol-value G39021)))) (if type (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (w3m-message (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s" (symbol-value G39021))))) (let ((modified-time (nth 4 (w3m-attributes ... nil)))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil modified-time (symbol-value G39018)) (if modified-time nil (let* ((v ...)) (w3m-arrived-put v (quote last-modified) nil))) (let ((real (nth 5 ...))) (if (string= (symbol-value G39021) real) nil (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil nil (symbol-value G39018)) (let* (...) (w3m-arrived-put v ... ...)) (let* (...) (w3m-arrived-put v ... ...)) (let* (...) (set v real)))) (prog1 (w3m-create-page (symbol-value G39021) (or (w3m-arrived-get ... ...) type) (or (symbol-value G39020) (w3m-arrived-get ... ...) (nth 1 ...)) (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-force-window-update-later (symbol-value G39019) 1e-09) (if (get-buffer-window (symbol-value G39019)) nil (w3m-message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" (symbol-value G39021) (buffer-name ...)))))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (ding) (if (eq (car w3m-current-forms) t) (progn (setq w3m-current-forms (cdr w3m-current-forms)))) (prog1 (if (and w3m-show-error-information (not (or (w3m-url-local-p ...) (string-match "\\`about:" ...)))) (progn (w3m-show-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39020) (symbol-value G39019)))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" (symbol-value G39021) (cond ((and w3m-process-exit-status ...) (format " (exit status: %s)" w3m-process-exit-status)) (w3m-http-status (format " (http status: %s)" w3m-http-status)) (t "")))))))
(B  (if (buffer-live-p (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (let* ((v G39021)) (set v (w3m-url-strip-authinfo (symbol-value G39021)))) (if type (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (w3m-message (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s" ...)))) (let ((modified-time (nth 4 ...))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil modified-time (symbol-value G39018)) (if modified-time nil (let* (...) (w3m-arrived-put v ... nil))) (let ((real ...)) (if (string= ... real) nil (w3m-arrived-add ... nil nil ...) (let* ... ...) (let* ... ...) (let* ... ...))) (prog1 (w3m-create-page (symbol-value G39021) (or ... type) (or ... ... ...) (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-force-window-update-later (symbol-value G39019) 1e-09) (if (get-buffer-window ...) nil (w3m-message "The content (%s) has been retrieved in %s" ... ...))))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (ding) (if (eq (car w3m-current-forms) t) (progn (setq w3m-current-forms (cdr w3m-current-forms)))) (prog1 (if (and w3m-show-error-information (not (or ... ...))) (progn (w3m-show-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39020) (symbol-value G39019)))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" (symbol-value G39021) (cond (... ...) (w3m-http-status ...) (t ""))))))))
(B  (let ((w3m-message-silent (symbol-value G39017))) (if (buffer-live-p (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (let* ((v G39021)) (set v (w3m-url-strip-authinfo (symbol-value G39021)))) (if type (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information (symbol-value G39021) (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (w3m-arrived-add ... nil ... ...) (w3m-message ...))) (let ((modified-time ...)) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil modified-time (symbol-value G39018)) (if modified-time nil (let* ... ...)) (let (...) (if ... nil ... ... ... ...)) (prog1 (w3m-create-page ... ... ... ...) (w3m-force-window-update-later ... 1e-09) (if ... nil ...)))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (ding) (if (eq (car w3m-current-forms) t) (progn (setq w3m-current-forms (cdr w3m-current-forms)))) (prog1 (if (and w3m-show-error-information (not ...)) (progn (w3m-show-error-information ... ... ...))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (symbol-value G39019)) (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" (symbol-value G39021) (cond ... ... ...))))))))
(B  (lambda (G39015 G39016 G39017 G39018 G39019 G39020 G39021 type) (if (buffer-name (symbol-value G39016)) (progn (set-buffer (symbol-value G39016)))) (let ((w3m-message-silent (symbol-value G39017))) (if (buffer-live-p (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (let* ((v G39021)) (set v (w3m-url-strip-authinfo (symbol-value G39021)))) (if type (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information ... ...) (progn ... ...)) (let (...) (w3m-arrived-add ... nil modified-time ...) (if modified-time nil ...) (let ... ...) (prog1 ... ... ...))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (ding) (if (eq (car w3m-current-forms) t) (progn (setq w3m-current-forms ...))) (prog1 (if (and w3m-show-error-information ...) (progn ...)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer ...) (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" ... ...))))))))(----current-buffer--39014-- ----temp-buffer--39013-- --silent-- --arrival-time-- --page-buffer-- --charset-- --url-- "text/html")
(B  apply((lambda (G39015 G39016 G39017 G39018 G39019 G39020 G39021 type) (if (buffer-name (symbol-value G39016)) (progn (set-buffer (symbol-value G39016)))) (let ((w3m-message-silent (symbol-value G39017))) (if (buffer-live-p (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (let* ((v G39021)) (set v (w3m-url-strip-authinfo (symbol-value G39021)))) (if type (if (string= type "X-w3m-error/redirection") (if (w3m-show-redirection-error-information ... ...) (progn ... ...)) (let (...) (w3m-arrived-add ... nil modified-time ...) (if modified-time nil ...) (let ... ...) (prog1 ... ... ...))) (w3m-arrived-add (symbol-value G39021) nil (current-time) (current-time)) (ding) (if (eq (car w3m-current-forms) t) (progn (setq w3m-current-forms ...))) (prog1 (if (and w3m-show-error-information ...) (progn ...)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer ...) (w3m-message "Cannot retrieve URL: %s%s" ... ...)))))))) ----current-buffer--39014-- ----temp-buffer--39013-- --silent-- --arrival-time-- --page-buffer-- --charset-- --url-- "text/html")
(B  (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote (lambda (G39015 G39016 G39017 G39018 G39019 G39020 G39021 type) (if (buffer-name (symbol-value G39016)) (progn (set-buffer (symbol-value G39016)))) (let ((w3m-message-silent (symbol-value G39017))) (if (buffer-live-p (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (let* ... ...) (if type ... ... ... ... ...)))))) (quote ----current-buffer--39014--) (quote ----temp-buffer--39013--) (quote --silent--) (quote --arrival-time--) (quote --page-buffer--) (quote --charset--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--))("text/html")
(B  funcall((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (quote (lambda (G39015 G39016 G39017 G39018 G39019 G39020 G39021 type) (if (buffer-name (symbol-value G39016)) (progn (set-buffer (symbol-value G39016)))) (let ((w3m-message-silent (symbol-value G39017))) (if (buffer-live-p (symbol-value G39019)) (progn (let* ... ...) (if type ... ... ... ... ...)))))) (quote ----current-buffer--39014--) (quote ----temp-buffer--39013--) (quote --silent--) (quote --arrival-time--) (quote --page-buffer--) (quote --charset--) (quote --url--) --cl-rest--)) "text/html")
(B  (setq exit-status (funcall (car (prog1 handler (setq handler (cdr handler)))) exit-status))
(B  (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status (funcall (car (prog1 handler (setq handler (cdr handler)))) exit-status)))
(B  (not (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status (funcall (car (prog1 handler (setq handler (cdr handler)))) exit-status))))
(B  (and handler (not (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status (funcall (car (prog1 handler (setq handler ...))) exit-status)))))
(B  (while (and handler (not (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status (funcall (car (prog1 handler ...)) exit-status))))))
(B  (let ((w3m-process-exit-status) (w3m-current-buffer (aref x 1)) (handler (aref x 2)) (exit-status exit-status)) (if realm (progn (w3m-process-set-authinfo w3m-current-url realm user passwd))) (while (and handler (not (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status (funcall (car ...) exit-status)))))) (let* ((v x)) (aset v 3 exit-status)))
(B  (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (let ((w3m-process-exit-status) (w3m-current-buffer (aref x 1)) (handler (aref x 2)) (exit-status exit-status)) (if realm (progn (w3m-process-set-authinfo w3m-current-url realm user passwd))) (while (and handler (not (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status (funcall ... exit-status)))))) (let* ((v x)) (aset v 3 exit-status))))
(B  (if (and (buffer-name (aref x 0)) (buffer-name (aref x 1))) (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (let ((w3m-process-exit-status) (w3m-current-buffer (aref x 1)) (handler (aref x 2)) (exit-status exit-status)) (if realm (progn (w3m-process-set-authinfo w3m-current-url realm user passwd))) (while (and handler (not (w3m-process-p (setq exit-status ...))))) (let* ((v x)) (aset v 3 exit-status)))))
(B  (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name (aref x 0)) (buffer-name (aref x 1))) (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (let ((w3m-process-exit-status) (w3m-current-buffer (aref x 1)) (handler (aref x 2)) (exit-status exit-status)) (if realm (progn (w3m-process-set-authinfo w3m-current-url realm user passwd))) (while (and handler (not (w3m-process-p ...)))) (let* ((v x)) (aset v 3 exit-status))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
(B  (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref (cdr obj) 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name (aref x 0)) (buffer-name (aref x 1))) (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (let ((w3m-process-exit-status) (w3m-current-buffer (aref x 1)) (handler (aref x 2)) (exit-status exit-status)) (if realm (progn (w3m-process-set-authinfo w3m-current-url realm user passwd))) (while (and handler (not ...))) (let* ((v x)) (aset v 3 exit-status))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
(B  (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref (cdr obj) 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name (aref x 0)) (buffer-name (aref x 1))) (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (let ((w3m-process-exit-status) (w3m-current-buffer ...) (handler ...) (exit-status exit-status)) (if realm (progn ...)) (while (and handler ...)) (let* (...) (aset v 3 exit-status))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))
(B  (let ((exit-status (process-exit-status process)) (buffer (current-buffer)) (realm w3m-process-realm) (user w3m-process-user) (passwd w3m-process-passwd) (obj w3m-process-object)) (setq w3m-process-object nil) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref (cdr obj) 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name (aref x 0)) (buffer-name (aref x 1))) (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (if (eq buffer ...) nil (insert-buffer-substring buffer)))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref (cdr obj) 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name (aref x 0)) (buffer-name (aref x 1))) (progn (set-buffer (aref x 0)) (let (... ... ... ...) (if realm ...) (while ...) (let* ... ...)))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))))
(B  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (progn (accept-process-output process 1)) (setq w3m-process-queue (delq w3m-process-object w3m-process-queue)) (let ((exit-status (process-exit-status process)) (buffer (current-buffer)) (realm w3m-process-realm) (user w3m-process-user) (passwd w3m-process-passwd) (obj w3m-process-object)) (setq w3m-process-object nil) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref (cdr obj) 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name ...) (buffer-name ...)) (progn (set-buffer ...) (if ... nil ...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref (cdr obj) 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and (buffer-name ...) (buffer-name ...)) (progn (set-buffer ...) (let ... ... ... ...))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))))
(B  (if (buffer-name (process-buffer process)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (progn (accept-process-output process 1)) (setq w3m-process-queue (delq w3m-process-object w3m-process-queue)) (let ((exit-status (process-exit-status process)) (buffer (current-buffer)) (realm w3m-process-realm) (user w3m-process-user) (passwd w3m-process-passwd) (obj w3m-process-object)) (setq w3m-process-object nil) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref ... 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and ... ...) (progn ... ...)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- (aref ... 3)) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (and ... ...) (progn ... ...)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))))) (catch (quote last) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- w3m-process-queue) obj) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq obj (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (eq process (aref ... 2)) (progn (setq w3m-process-queue ...) (throw ... nil))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))))
(B  (unwind-protect (if (buffer-name (process-buffer process)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (progn (accept-process-output process 1)) (setq w3m-process-queue (delq w3m-process-object w3m-process-queue)) (let ((exit-status (process-exit-status process)) (buffer (current-buffer)) (realm w3m-process-realm) (user w3m-process-user) (passwd w3m-process-passwd) (obj w3m-process-object)) (setq w3m-process-object nil) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x ...) (if ... ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) x) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq x ...) (if ... ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))))) (catch (quote last) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- w3m-process-queue) obj) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq obj (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (eq process ...) (progn ... ...)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))))) (delete-process process) (if ignore-queue nil (w3m-process-start-queued-processes)))
(B  (let ((inhibit-quit w3m-process-inhibit-quit) (w3m-process-background t)) (unwind-protect (if (buffer-name (process-buffer process)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) (progn (accept-process-output process 1)) (setq w3m-process-queue (delq w3m-process-object w3m-process-queue)) (let ((exit-status (process-exit-status process)) (buffer (current-buffer)) (realm w3m-process-realm) (user w3m-process-user) (passwd w3m-process-passwd) (obj w3m-process-object)) (setq w3m-process-object nil) (progn (let (... x) (while --dolist-tail-- ... ... ...))) (progn (let (... x) (while --dolist-tail-- ... ... ...))))) (catch (quote last) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- w3m-process-queue) obj) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq obj ...) (if ... ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))))) (delete-process process) (if ignore-queue nil (w3m-process-start-queued-processes))))
(B  w3m-process-sentinel(#<process /usr/bin/w3m> "finished\n")
(BSystem Info to help track down your bug:
(B => "1.4.518"
(B => "GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.8.2)\n of 2013-08-11 on dex, modified by Debian"
(B => gnu/linux
(B(featurep 'gtk)
(B => t
(B => "w3m/0.5.3+debian-11"
(B => w3m-m17n
(B => ("lang=en" "m17n" "image" "color" "ansi-color" "mouse" "gpm" "menu" "cookie" "ssl" "ssl-verify" "external-uri-loader" "w3mmailer" "nntp" "gopher" "ipv6" "alarm" "mark" "migemo")
(B => nil
(B => nil
(B => nil
(B => nil
(B => utf-8
(B => utf-8
(B => nil