In [emacs-w3m : No.12282] Dan Jacobson wrote: > All I know is this can't be the user's fault. > Please try > # set > # su - nobody -c 'HOME=/tmp LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8 w3m '$@ #looks perfect It is because the terminal emulator uses `fixed' fonts, isn't it? > # su - nobody -c 'HOME=/tmp LC_ALL=zh_TW.UTF-8 emacs -f w3m '$@ #tons of alignment problems I tried `emacs -q' and realized what you meant. That's too bad. But it is because you (or Emacs?) use proportional fonts i.e., the width and interval vary by a character. However, Emacs assumes that the width of a CJK (wide) character is always twice of an alphanumeric character AFAIK. (So, what I do in my system is to make all the fonts be `fixed'.) Here is a quick hack, it makes only emacs-w3m buffers use `fixed' fonts:
Description: application/emacs-lisp
This is not necessarily complete, and might not be your taste, though.