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Re: [UPDATE] site filter functions for slashdot.org and rt.com

On 2017-06-12 16:25, Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
> In [emacs-w3m : No.12678]
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2017 00:35:24 -0400, Boruch Baum wrote:
> > At this point, I would welcome feedback. If there is no feedback, my
> > plan is to wait a few days, and then take a fresh look at the code to
> > see if I can prettify and optimize it.
> How big they are!  I can hardly imagine those filters keep working
> for a long time. ;)  But it's ok,  I've committed those updates.

Thanks. My intention is to wait a few days for me to forget what I
wrote, and then take a fresh look at the code to see if I can optimize
and clean it up. If you use either web site, you will notice (and I
hope appreciate) the difference.

> > (defun w3m-filter-rt (url)
> [...]
> >        (re-search-forward "<a\[^>\]+>\\(<img\[^>\]+>\\)</a>" p t)
> I've replaced things like "\[^>\]" with "[^>]".

Oh, I thought the backslashes were necessary, thanks.

> > (defun w3m-filter-slashdot (url)
> [...]
> >   (while (re-search-forward "<ul id=\"group_\[^>\]+>\n\t+<li id=\"hiddens_\[0-9\]+\" class=\"hide\"></li>\n</ul>" nil t)
> >     (replace-match ""))
> Do TABs really exist in the html source?  (committed as is).

Absolutely. It's a real pain. But tabs are always such pain anywhere
(my opinion).

> >   (while (re-search-forward "\\( beneath your current threshold.\\)</b></noscript>" nil t)
> Shouldn't "." be quoted as "\\."?  (committed as is).

Hmm, I could be wrong. I'll check and test when I return to the code.
I can say that in my testing and use these past few days, it seemed to
work as submitted.

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