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Re: Symbol's function definition is void: w3m-browse-url

In [emacs-w3m : No.12693]
On Tue, 13 Jun 2017 18:42:01 +0100, Richmond wrote:
> I am bewildered by this error:

> Symbol's function definition is void: w3m-browse-url

> I am trying to use w3m as a text browser in emacs. It works for one
> linux user, but not for another.  I have in .gnu-emacs-custom:

> '(browse-url-browser-function (quote w3m-browse-url))

> I fear I have messed things up by moving to emacs 25 and then back to
> emacs 24. I got w3m from github, configure, make, make install.
> Where is the function w3m-browse-url? Where is it supposed to come from?

First of all, does the Emacs command `M-x w3m <RET>' in work?
If so, you probably want to have the following charm in your
Emacs init file (i.e., ~/.emacs or the like).

(require 'w3m-load)

See also: <http://emacs-w3m.namazu.org/#configuration>
