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Re: [emacs-w3m/emacs-w3m] bb_travis - add different versions and operating systems and pictures! (#16)

@tsuchm : I think that I'm at a good stopping point for now, and that the PR can be merged. Travis now processes nine combinations of operating system versions and emacs flavors, pulling in apel/flim, and generating elisp-byte-code. It succeeds in building on linux (ubuntu xenial) emacs 25, 26, snapshot(27), and xemacs. For osx xcode 10.1, it succeeds for emacs 26.

Some of the osx builds have outstanding problems:

  1. for aquamacs, there is an unsolved bug in the travis script
  2. for xemacs, the clang compiler assert a type mismatch
  3. for emacs 25 and emacs 26, there is a failure related to an autoconf script (ref @yamaoka)
  4. for emacs 25, w3m-hack fails silently in mid-operation

In order not to hamper the other day-to-day operations of the project, I've configured travis to be forgiving, and to report success even if there are failures for aquamacs, xemacs, and osx/emacs25. That doesn't mean the issues above should be addressed, just that they won't get in the way of other work.

Other travis future work would be caching and docker containers:

  1. caching would speed up travis builds for xemacs/osx, and all builds of apel/flim

  2. I've looked further into using travis docker containers, and it seems easy for the project to implement. The benefit would be the ability to use linux'es [ other | newer ] than xenial (2016).

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