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Re: [emacs-w3m/emacs-w3m] Bb history display (#4)

I did. What I get is:

foo… bar
bar' starts at the column 48 foo** bar bar' starts at the column 48

But I don't understand why or how that's relevant. For (string-width "…"), I get an answer of '1'...

Oh, I get '2' in every version of Emacsen (currently 26.1, 26.1.92, 27.0.50).  However w3m seems to recognize it '1'.  This is the cause of our disagreement!  In the 80 column width Emacs window, ELisp2 shows:

foo… bar
bar' starts at the column 41 foo** bar bar' starts at the column 40

I also realized that this is due to the value of 'current-language-environment' of Emacs.  If I change it from Japanese to English, (string-width "…") gets 1, even if "…" is displayed as a wide character.  So, a possible solution might be to bind language-environment to English locally in emacs-w3m buffers.  I don't know if it can be and is halmless, though.

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