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Re: file truncation problem on OS X


>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.02763]
>>>>>	Christian Swinehart <cswinehart@mac.com> wrote:

> Hi, first of all, thanks so much for emacs-w3m, it's wonderful to have
> access to my favorite console-based browser from my favorite editor.

> I've run upon a problem when running under OS X which occurs under
> both emacs 20.7 and emacs 21.1. It seems that whenever I try to
> download something from a url, the final kilobyte or so gets cut
> off. This doesn't happen when using w3m from the shell. Do you have
> any intuition on what part of the code I should look at to investigate
> this?

I'm sorry I don't kown how emacs-w3m works under OS X, but I'm
afraid emacs-w3m might not work on some platforms because of the
asynchronous process.  It intends to realize the user can always
use Emacs even if w3m is running for retrieving a url.  The
default value of the user option `w3m-async-exec' is t and
emacs-w3m will call w3m asynchronously.  Could you please try to
set it to nil?

(setq w3m-async-exec nil)

;; Even if it works, I don't know how to make emacs-w3m work
;; asynchronously for all the platforms. :-(
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>