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Re: gifsicle bug?


で、現在の w3m-emacs-w3m-icon の背景を gifsicle の作者さまが教え
確かに意図通りになる。ただしそれを Netscape で見れば。
XEmacs で表示したときにすごいことになるのは XEmacs のバグなんだ
ろうな。 Optimize を外せば正常になるのだけれど、XEmacs の背景色
によっては見にくいかもしれないし、一方の Emacs 21 はそもそも背景
が透明な gif を正しく扱えないようなので、今のままで行こうと思い
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Hi Katsumi,

First of all, thanks for the compliments!

> By the way, I've made a logo image for emacs-w3m and I'll attach
> it in this message.  I noticed there may be a bug in gifsicle.
> When I perform gifsicle with the option `--transparent #ffffff'
> to the image, frames will disappear except for the first frame.
> If the bug is corrected, gifsicle will become more wonderful.

Hmmm. I don't think this is a bug. See, your GIF has disposal set to
"asis", which means "put the next frame on top of this frame". When white
is turned transparent, your frame #2 -- the one that's all white --
effectively does nothing! (Picture + transparent overlay = original

Try the options '-UO --transparent #ffffff'. The '-U' option optimizes the
input GIF, as you know. As a side effect, this sets the disposal to
"background" for every frame. Then when you turn white transparent,
gifsicle will then treat frame #2 correctly.

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Hi, thank you for the reply so quickly.

>>>>> In <200210161554.g9GFs8P7015901@coyote.icir.org>
>>>>>	Eddie Kohler <kohler@icir.org> wrote:

>> When I perform gifsicle with the option `--transparent #ffffff'
>> to the image, frames will disappear except for the first frame.

> Hmmm. I don't think this is a bug. See, your GIF has disposal set to
> "asis", which means "put the next frame on top of this frame". When white
> is turned transparent, your frame #2 -- the one that's all white --
> effectively does nothing! (Picture + transparent overlay = original
> picture.)

I see.  I got the right data, though the size has increased.  I
didn't understand the meaning of disposal.

> Try the options '-UO --transparent #ffffff'. The '-U' option optimizes the
> input GIF, as you know. As a side effect, this sets the disposal to
> "background" for every frame. Then when you turn white transparent,
> gifsicle will then treat frame #2 correctly.

Thanks again.

I noticed that I should tell the XEmacs community a complaint.
Though Netscape displays it correctly, the background color
changes variously on XEmacs.  It is pleasant, though. ;-)
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>
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