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Re: pages on that SPC and DEL work fine

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.04568]
>>>>>	Romain FRANCOISE <romain@orebokech.com> wrote:

> Masatake YAMATO <jet@gyve.org> writes:

>> Thank you. However, I'd like to use a web-search site if existed because
>> I've already written some of documents based on a web-search site.

Neil W. Van Dyke presented useful idea in [emacs-w3m:04522] (see
also [emacs-w3m:04523]).  His w3mnav.el works fine even in Google,
but the following changes are needed.

(defun w3mnav-go-next ()
  (w3mnav-go '("next" "next page" ">>" "next page >>>"

(defun w3mnav-go-prev ()
  (w3mnav-go '("previous" "prev" "previous page" "<<" "<<< previous page"

You may need to eval the following form in the emacs-w3m buffer
after loading w3mnav.el.

(use-local-map w3m-mode-map)
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>