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Re: pages on that SPC and DEL work fine

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.04570]
>>>>>	Masatake YAMATO <jet@gyve.org> wrote:

> > Neil W. Van Dyke presented useful idea in [emacs-w3m:04522] (see
> > also [emacs-w3m:04523]).  His w3mnav.el works fine even in Google,
> > but the following changes are needed.
> [...]

> w3mnav.el looks good fro me. Why it is not merged into emacs-w3m?
> Any technical reason?

I've talked to him, but no reply.  I don't know why it is, but,
maybe, he doesn't accept changing keys or the copyright issue
(Removing the quack function which I've requested has been done
in the most recent w3mnav.el).

Anyway, there's no problem to steal the w3mnav-nav-links
function (or its concept) into emacs-w3m because of GPL.  It is
able to use instead of searching REL= thing, isn't it?
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>