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Re: emacs-w3m disallows safe ISO-8859-1 characters in bookmarks

>> On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 08:38:54 +0900
>> tsuchiya@namazu.org (TSUCHIYA Masatoshi) said as follows:

>>please go to http://www.golen.de/ and try to bookmark the page.
>>every other page with ISO-8859-1 (8-bit) characters in the title
>>will not bookmark, because emacs-w3m thinks they are unsafe.

>Set the value of `w3m-bookmark-file-coding-system' to
>`iso-8859-1'(without quote, but symbol), and you can use characters
>defined by `iso-8859-1' in your bookmark file.

Your bookmark file may be saved in `euc-japan'.  In this case, you
will have to convert it to `iso-8859-1' in order to remove all
characters that are not defined by `iso-8859-1'.

To keep all characters in the bookmark file safely, emacs-w3m does not
change its coding system automatically, even if the value of
`w3m-bookmark-file-coding-system' is customized.

TSUCHIYA Masatoshi