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Re: point-over should show URL

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.05724]
>>>>>	"Robert J. Chassell" <bob@rattlesnake.com> wrote:

> When point is over a URL, the URL should be shown in the echo area.
> As is, only the title for the URL is shown (in the text, as it should
> be); often, I want to know the URL and do not want to have to type
> `u' to see it.  In particular, when I move my mouse over URLs, the
> URL should be shown.

> Clearly, there should be a variable to turn this feature on and off.
> (Perhaps there is one; in that case, this bug report is about
> documentation, because I did not find any such variable -- and if it
> exists, the documentation should mention it.)

You're using Emacs 21, so you can alter the value for the
show-help-function variable as follows:

(setq show-help-function 'message)

By the way, the default value for show-help-function is
tooltip-show-help-function which shows a URL in a balloon.
Aren't you satisfied with it?
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>