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Re: nnshimbun problem with nytimes.com


You are men other than the Japanese who made the shimbun module
for the first time, as far as I know.  That's splendid!

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.05915]
>>>>>	Boris Schaefer <boris@uncommon-sense.net> wrote:

> Hi,

> I tried accessing the nytimes op-ed articles with my own nnshimbun
> configuration, but it doesn't display any articles.  I get the summary
> buffer with the articles, but when I try to view an article, I get the
> following error:

>   Wrong type argument: stringp, nil

> To access the nytimes articles I did the following:

You need to define two additional variables in sb-nytimes.el as

(defvar shimbun-nytimes-content-start "<[\t\n ]*NYT_TEXT[\t\n ]*>")
(defvar shimbun-nytimes-content-end "<[\t\n ]*/NYT_TEXT[\t\n ]*>")

These variables are used in order to extract only the body of
articles.  I confirmed that your module works fine only by
adding these. :)
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>