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Re: italics in emacs-w3m


>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.06162]
>>>>>	K Ligesh <lxlabs@yahoo.com> wrote:

>  Hi,

>  How can I highlight the text that is shown in italics
> in the page..

>  Currently there is a w3m-bold-face, which is used to
> display the Bold
> text; is there a similer one for italics and the rest?

>  Most of the articles use italics to show emphasis
> etc..

>  Thanks in advance...

It may be possible to highlight italic text, however it possibly
makes emacs-w3m slow.  Because emacs-w3m has to parse html
sources in order to highlight not only italic but also
bold-italic, italic-underline, bold-italic-underline, etc.
For instance:

<html><body><b><i><u>Sample Text</u></i></b></body></html>

Furthermore, it may be an anchor or have to be strike-through.
Anyhow, it should be added to the TODO list to make emacs-w3m
faster and support them.  Developers?
Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@jpl.org>