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Re: [Q] does w3m sometimes download garbage?


I have no idea how we should fix this problem, but I noticed what
is bad at least.  You will be able to fix it temporarily modifying
the w3m-download function as follows:

< (w3m-retrieve url t no-cache...
> (w3m-retrieve url nil no-cache...

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.07126] Joakim Verona wrote:

> here is a url that consistently fails for me:

> http://zcultfm4.no-ip.org:6969/torrent.html?info_hash=4034a05a962f4b9b470e197417753f87d4cae046

> w3m does download something, but im not shure what it is.

w3m-download specifies the second argument `no-decode' as t to
the w3m-retrieve function so that it should not decode the
contents.  However, the contents of that url has been encoded
with `deflate'.  Here's the header information:

W3m-current-url: http://zcultfm4.no-ip.org:6969/torrent.html?info_hash=4034a05a962f4b9b470e197417753f87d4cae046
W3m-document-charset: US-ASCII
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Disposition:: attachment; filename="dcp 10-14-04.torrent"
Content-Encoding: deflate
Content-Length: 22722
Content-Type: application/x-bittorrent; name="dcp 10-14-04.torrent"
Expires: Fri Oct 15 04:13:43 2004 GMT

Does anyone know what is the right solution?
と言っても土屋さんしかいないかなあ? ごめん。