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Re: help emacs-w3m key binding with F21 and F22

try (read-event) and get XF86Back and XF86Forward, so my .emacs-w3m looks
like this:

(defun w3m-add-keys ()
  (define-key w3m-mode-map [XF86Back] 'w3m-view-previous-page)
  (define-key w3m-mode-map [XF86Forward] 'w3m-view-next-page))
(add-hook 'w3m-mode-hook 'w3m-add-keys)

now it works in emacs-w3m.

thank for Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx>.

>>>>> In <87psp2kaye.fsf@xxxxxxxxx> Jue Kong wrote:
> change from <f21> to [f21] not working.

Your F21 key might not issue the <f21> key event.  To know what
that key issues, evaluate[1] the Lisp form `(read-event)' in the
*scratch* buffer and type the F21 key.  What is observed in your

[1] Put the line `(read-event)' into the *scratch* buffer (don't
include the quotation marks) and type C-j at the end of the form.


           Free as in freedom.