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Re: nnrss should borrow nnshibmun's RSS date processor...or something

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08486]
>>>>>	Mark Plaksin <happy@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> My original problem was that Gnus showed some RSS articles with a date of
> midnight Jan 1 1970.  I found the cause to be dc:date being in ISO 8601
> format.  At that point I assumed Gnus couldn't handle ISO 8601 dates at
> all.  I saw that sb-rss.el handled them and thought that was a good place
> to steal code from.

> This feed has ISO 8601 dates: http://del.icio.us/rss/popular/  Does it give
> incorrect dates for you too?

I promise that I'll confirm and fix it within this week.

;; I have no time today because of the housework. ;-)