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Re: sb-scipy.el

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.08497] CHO-san wrote:

> Hi, Yamaoka-san,Vishketan

Yamaoka> In addition, is the Reply-To address <listname@xxxxxxxxx> in
Yamaoka> which Tsuyoshi CHO replaced `.org' with `.net' correct?

> I think it.
> I check for any maillist-info pages
> (http://www.scipy.net/mailman/listinfo/listname),these pages set to
> <listname@xxxxxxxxx> mailinglist address.

Confirmed.  Thanks for clearing it.

> # .org mail archive pages jump to .net info/join pages.
> # .org mail archive interface are rich, .net are normal.

> # To:Mr./Miss. Vishwanathan,
> # If it is failure, please point out.

CHO-san, please add <vishketan at yahoo com> to the recipients
list since Vishwanathan seems not to have subscribed to the
emacs-w3m mailing list, from the next time. ;-)

By the way, in my humble opinion, you probably had better use
author's name rather than yours when making an entry in the
ChangeLog file.