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Re: unreadable focused tabbar tab on Linux 2.6.22 fbcon

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09565] trentbuck@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> A recent change to Debian GNU/Linux, possibly the upgrade from Linux
> 2.6.21 to 2.6.22, has resulted in underlining being rendered as a cyan
> foreground on the framebuffer console (fbcon).

> As a result, the w3m tab bar, which uses underlining and a cyan
> background by default, results in unreadable cyan-on-cyan text for the
> focused tab.  Unfocused tabs appear as cyan on blue, which is readable
> (if ugly).

Do you think there is the foreground color that never conflicts
with the default background colors of any application programs
in which emacs-w3m runs?  I don't think so but all the colors of
the faces that emacs-w3m uses are customizable and I guess the
colors that Debian's application programs use are customizable
