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Re: google groups in emacs-w3m is noisy

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.09716] Leo wrote:

> Please read the following link in firefox and emacs-w3m to compare the
> difference.

> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/1764785b54829419/41b6823441f9cc9d?lnk=st&q=metapost+group%3Acomp.text.tex+author%3Aleo&rnum=1

> In firefox, the page looks very clean and easy to read. Not so much in
> emacs-w3m.

(info "(emacs-w3m)Trouble FAQ")
|* Q. Why are frames not rendered?
|  Install w3mmee and put the following line in your `~/.emacs' file:
|       (setq w3m-command "w3mmee")

But I don't have w3mmee (in fact, it's hard to me to install it
in Fedora 7), so I've never checked the current emacs-w3m with
it.  Is there an emacs-w3m developer who has w3mmee installed?
(Japanese: w3mmee で最近の emacs-w3m をチェックできる人いますか?)

I think it is doubtful whether the page in question is rendered
in handy like Firefox even if w3mmee is used, though.