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Re: tool bar icon size problems

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10011] Sebastian P. Luque wrote:

>> (setq tool-bar-button-margin 7 w3m-toolbar-configurations
>> '((tool-bar-button-margin . 1)))

> Thanks Katsumi, the above was exactly what was needed!  Could one reduce
> the size of the icons (with imagemagick or whatever) so that one
> can continue to use the snug default toolbar size?

Hm, the icon files in the icons/ directory in the emacs-w3m trunk
are all that of 24-dot height.  This has been designed so as to
be exactly the same as the height of the ones in the Emacs trunk.
(OTOH, the ones in the icons30/ directory in the emacs-w3m trunk
have been designed so as to be suitable for XEmacs.)  So, what
should we do further? ;-)
