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Re: How to get the inner html of a href link.

Katsumi Yamaoka <yamaoka@xxxxxxx> writes:

>>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.10770] netawater wrote:
>>> (with-temp-buffer
>>>   (insert "<a href=\"http://www.example.com\"\
>>>  fOo=\"FoO-vAlUe\"\
>>>  BaR=\"bAr-VaLuE\">\n")
>>>   (goto-char 2)
>>>   (w3m-parse-attributes (foo (bar :case-ignore))
>>>     (list foo bar)))
>>>  => ("FoO-vAlUe" "bar-value")
>>> The point has to be within the tag, and only attributes that follow
>>> the point will be extracted.
>> Thank you for your reply but I tried run these function, it returns
>> (nil nil). I use GNU emacs 22.2.1 and w3m-0.5.2.
> I guess you've set the default value of `case-fold-search'
> variable to nil intentionally.  Supposing it's right, I think
> setting it to nil is not a good idea, since programmers likely
> assume that it remains the default, i.e. t, or easily forget to
> bind it to t locally.  This should work:
> (with-temp-buffer
>   (insert "<a href=\"http://www.example.com\"\
>   fOo=\"FoO-vAlUe\"\
>   BaR=\"bAr-VaLuE\">\n")
>   (goto-char 2)
>   (let ((case-fold-search t))
>     (w3m-parse-attributes (foo (bar :case-ignore))
>       (list foo bar))))

Yes, you are right! Thank you very very much!