>> On Thu, 14 May 2009 08:44:50 +0300 >> olexandr.syd@xxxxxxxxx ( Olexandr Sydorchuk) said as follows: >Yes, I know about -dump, but my goal is interactive html browser, like >emacs-w3m, I want to write own "backend" to w3m because I see that >emacs-w3m work fine with w3m. But exploring source code of emacs-w3m for >understanding how its work is a little bit hard for me =). So I post here >for a little describe of logics of emacs-w3m. You should see the attached source file. It is the initial and ancient version of emacs-w3m which was released at 2000-06-25. It consists of 384 lines and contains essence of emacs-w3m except for many features including history, form and asynchronous processing. I thank all contributors for their great and long efforts. -- TSUCHIYA Masatoshi
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