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Re: how to install in one's $HOME directory?

>>>>> "j" == jidanni  <jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
j> Except this:
j> (setq Info-default-directory-list (append  (list "/home/jidanni/tmp/share/info/dir") Info-default-directory-list))
j> I'm not sure what I should do about that.
j> By the way, make install says:
j>  This is not dpkg install-info anymore, but GNU install-info
j>  See the man page for ginstall-info for command line arguments
Oops, never mind the above. I forgot the
;; tar zxvf emacs-w3m.tar.gz
step. All that is left is the
(setq Info-default-directory-list (append  (list "/home/jidanni/tmp/share/info/dir") Info-default-directory-list))