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Re: Invalid function: w3m-form-put

>>>>> In [emacs-w3m : No.11136] jidanni@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Aggg... in emacs-w3m-version "1.4.374" I get Invalid function:
> w3m-form-put, so please help me rewrite this:

> (defun jidanni-w3m-wordpress-comment-who-filler()
> 	(w3m-form-put form id name input)

`w3m-form-put' is a macro, so you need to load w3m-form.el(c) in
advance when compiling the command.  The possible solutions are:

;; Add this line to the file that provides the command.  It makes
;; it always load w3m-form.elc and others.
(require 'w3m-form)

;; Add this line to the file that provides the command.  It makes
;; it load w3m-form.elc and others only when compiling.
(eval-when-compile (require 'w3m-form))

;; Use the expanded version of the `w3m-form-put' macro.
<-	(w3m-form-put form id name input)
->	(w3m-form-put-property form id :value (cons name input))