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Re: [PATCH] w3m-lnum add highlight

Hello, Katsumi-san,
thanks for feedback and sorry for slight delay.  I decided to go a step
further in emulating Conkeror's behavior.  There's a function
`w3m-linknum-follow' which follows urls, activates form fields or pushes
buttons depending on what's selected (not sure whether done correctly
but works where tested).  It might be heretic but I changed behavior
(along highlighting matches) of `w3m-go-to-linknum' allowing it to go to
form fields and buttons as well, which seems more natural to me as
these elements are normally more difficult to "isearch".  Added a macro
`w3m-with-linknum' which can ease this type of functions (and bring old
behavior of `w3m-go-to-linknum' with a single digit change).  Made
`w3m-link-numbering-mode' more flexible allowing it 2 types of
enumeration - only url links (old behaviour and default) and urls along
with form fields and buttons for conveniences pointed above.  Also added
`w3m-linknum-read-url' for comfortable grabbing of urls and allowing for
such sort of actions:
(let ((url (w3m-linknum-read-url "Curl on link: ")))
  (if url (async-shell-command (concat "curl -O " url))))
A glitch that haven't yet overcome is changing faces of buttons on match.
Here's the diff against same current cvs w3m-lnum.el and hopefully this
time will work closer to advertised.

--- /home/andrey2/.emacs.d/extras/w3m/w3m-lnum-cvs.el	2010-04-27 15:46:24.000000000 +0300
+++ /home/andrey2/.emacs.d/extras/w3m/w3m-lnum.el	2010-07-06 01:27:28.681678592 +0300
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; w3m-lnum.el --- Operations using link numbers
-;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
+;; Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010
 ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@xxxxxxxxxx>
 ;; Authors: TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <tsuchiya@xxxxxxxxxx>
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 ;; expressions to your ~/.emacs-w3m.
 ;;      (autoload 'w3m-link-numbering-mode "w3m-lnum" nil t)
+;;      (autoload 'w3m-linknum-follow "w3m-lnum" nil t)
 ;;	(add-hook 'w3m-mode-hook 'w3m-link-numbering-mode)
 ;;; Code:
@@ -67,57 +68,80 @@
 (defvar w3m-link-numbering-mode nil
   "Non-nil if w3m operations using link numbers are enabled.")
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-link-numbering-mode)
-(unless (assq 'w3m-link-numbering-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
-  (push (cons 'w3m-link-numbering-mode w3m-link-numbering-mode-map)
-	minor-mode-map-alist))
+(or (assq 'w3m-link-numbering-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+    (push (cons 'w3m-link-numbering-mode w3m-link-numbering-mode-map)
+	  minor-mode-map-alist))
+(defun w3m-linknum-remove-overlays (&optional arg)
+  "Remove numbering and match overlays.
+With ARG remove only temporary match"
+  (if arg
+      (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+	(if (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-linknum-match)
+	    (delete-overlay overlay)))
+    (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+      (if (or (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay)
+	      (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-linknum-match))
+	  (delete-overlay overlay)))))
 (defun w3m-link-numbering-mode (&optional arg)
-  "Minor mode to enable operations using link numbers."
+  "Minor mode to enable operations using link numbers.
+With prefix ARG 0 disable mode, with prefix 4 index forms as well."
   (interactive "P")
   (add-hook 'w3m-display-functions 'w3m-link-numbering)
-  (if (setq w3m-link-numbering-mode
-	    (if arg
-		(> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
-	      (not w3m-link-numbering-mode)))
-      (progn
-	(w3m-link-numbering)
-	(run-hooks 'w3m-link-numbering-mode-hook))
-    (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
-      (when (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay)
-	(delete-overlay overlay)))))
+  (let (diff)
+    (setq w3m-link-numbering-mode
+	  (if arg
+	      (let ((arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+		(when (not (= arg 0))
+		  (setq diff (not (eq arg w3m-link-numbering-mode)))
+		  arg))
+	    (if (not w3m-link-numbering-mode) 1)))
+    (if w3m-link-numbering-mode
+	(progn
+	  (if diff (w3m-linknum-remove-overlays))
+	  (if (= w3m-link-numbering-mode 4)
+	      (w3m-link-numbering t)
+	    (w3m-link-numbering))
+	  (run-hooks 'w3m-link-numbering-mode-hook))
+      (w3m-linknum-remove-overlays))))
 (defun w3m-link-numbering (&rest args)
-  "Make overlays that display link numbers."
-  (when w3m-link-numbering-mode
-    (save-excursion
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let ((i 0)
-	    overlay num)
-	(catch 'already-numbered
-	  (while (w3m-goto-next-anchor)
-	    (when (w3m-anchor)
-	      (when (get-char-property (point) 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay)
-		(throw 'already-numbered nil))
-	      (setq overlay (make-overlay (point) (1+ (point)))
-		    num (format "[%d]" (incf i)))
-	      (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
-		  (progn
+  "Make overlays that display link numbers.
+With prefix ARGS index forms as well."
+  (if w3m-link-numbering-mode
+      (save-excursion
+	(goto-char (point-min))
+	(let ((i 0)
+	      overlay num)
+	  (catch 'already-numbered
+	    (while (w3m-goto-next-anchor)
+	      (let ((p (point)))
+		(when (or args (get-char-property p 'w3m-href-anchor))
+		  (if (get-char-property p
+					 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay)
+		      (throw 'already-numbered nil))
+		  (setq overlay (make-overlay p (1+ p))
+			num (format "[%d]" (incf i)))
+		  (w3m-static-if (featurep 'xemacs)
+		      (progn
+			(overlay-put overlay 'before-string num)
+			(set-glyph-face (extent-begin-glyph overlay)
+					'w3m-link-numbering))
+		    (w3m-add-face-property 0 (length num)
+					   'w3m-link-numbering num)
 		    (overlay-put overlay 'before-string num)
-		    (set-glyph-face (extent-begin-glyph overlay)
-				    'w3m-link-numbering))
-		(w3m-add-face-property 0 (length num) 'w3m-link-numbering num)
-		(overlay-put overlay 'before-string num)
-		(overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t))
-	      (overlay-put overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay i))))))))
+		    (overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t))
+		  (overlay-put overlay
+			       'w3m-link-numbering-overlay i)))))))))
 (defun w3m-move-numbered-anchor (&optional arg)
   "Move the point to the specified anchor.
 When no prefix argument is specified, call `w3m-view-this-url' instead
 of moving cursor."
   (interactive "P")
-  (if (and arg
-	   (> (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)) 0))
+  (if (and arg (> (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg)) 0))
       (catch 'found
 	(dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
 	  (when (eq arg (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay))
@@ -125,19 +149,156 @@
 	    (push (w3m-anchor-sequence) w3m-goto-anchor-hist)
 	    (throw 'found (w3m-print-this-url))))
-	(error "Cannot found your specified link: %d" arg))
+	(error "Cannot find specified link: %d" arg))
-(defun w3m-go-to-linknum ()
-  "Turn on link numbers and ask for one to go to."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((active w3m-link-numbering-mode))
-    (unless active
-      (w3m-link-numbering-mode 1))
-    (unwind-protect
-	(w3m-move-numbered-anchor (w3m-read-number "Anchor number: "))
-      (unless active
-	(w3m-link-numbering-mode 0)))))
+(defun w3m-read-int-interactive (prompt fun &optional default)
+  "Interactively read a valid integer from minubuffer with PROMPT.
+Execute a one argument function FUN with every current valid integer.
+Initial value is DEFAULT if specified or 0.
+Use <return> to submit current value and <backspace> for correction."
+  (let ((prompt (propertize prompt 'face 'minibuffer-prompt))
+	(num (or default 0))
+	(min-len (length prompt))
+	ch)
+    (let ((temp-prompt (format "%s%d" prompt num)))
+      (while (not (eq (setq ch (read-event temp-prompt)) 'return))
+	(cond ((and (eq ch 'backspace)
+		    (> (length temp-prompt) min-len))
+	       (setq num (/ num 10)
+		     temp-prompt (format "%s%d" prompt num))
+	       (funcall fun num))
+	      ((and (numberp ch) (> ch 47) (< ch 58))
+	       (setq num (+ (* num 10) (- ch 48))
+		     temp-prompt (format "%s%d" prompt num))
+	       (funcall fun num))))
+      num)))
+(defmacro w3m-with-linknum (type &rest body)
+  "Within TYPE anchor numbering execute BODY.
+Then restore previous numbering condition."
+  `(let ((ty ,type)
+	 (active (or w3m-link-numbering-mode 0)))
+     (let ((diff (not (= active ty))))
+       (when diff
+	 (or (= ty 0) (w3m-link-numbering-mode 0))
+	 (w3m-link-numbering-mode ty))
+       (unwind-protect
+	   (progn,@body)
+	 (if diff
+	     (progn
+	       (or (= active 0) (w3m-link-numbering-mode 0))
+	       (w3m-link-numbering-mode active))
+	   (w3m-linknum-remove-overlays t))))))
+(defun w3m-highlight-numbered-anchor (arg)
+  "Highlight specified by ARG number anchor."
+  (catch 'done
+    (let (found-prev marked-new)
+      (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+	(cond
+	 ((and found-prev marked-new)
+	  (throw 'done nil))
+	 ((overlay-get overlay 'w3m-linknum-match)
+	  (delete-overlay overlay)
+	  (setq found-prev t))
+	 ((eq arg (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-link-numbering-overlay))
+	  (let* ((start (overlay-start overlay))
+		 (end (1+ start)))
+	    (let ((prop 'w3m-href-anchor)
+		  (anchor (get-text-property start 'w3m-href-anchor))
+		  (comparator 'equal))
+	      (or anchor
+		  (setq prop 'w3m-action
+			anchor (get-text-property start 'w3m-action)
+			comparator 'eq))
+	      (while (funcall comparator anchor
+			      (get-text-property end prop))
+		(setq end (1+ end))))
+	    (let ((match-overlay (make-overlay start end)))
+	      (overlay-put match-overlay 'w3m-linknum-match t)
+	      (overlay-put match-overlay 'face 'match)))
+	  (setq marked-new t)))))))
+(defun w3m-get-numbered-url (&optional num)
+  "Get url of anchor numbered as NUM.
+If NUM is not specified, find currently highlighted anchor."
+  (catch 'found
+    (if num
+	(dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+	  (if (eq num (overlay-get overlay
+				   'w3m-link-numbering-overlay))
+	      (let ((result (get-text-property (overlay-start overlay)
+					       'w3m-href-anchor)))
+		(throw
+		 'found
+		 (let ((pos (overlay-start overlay)))
+		   (cons (or result
+			     (get-text-property pos 'w3m-action))
+			 pos))))))
+      (dolist (overlay (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+	(if (overlay-get overlay 'w3m-linknum-match)
+	    (let ((result (get-text-property (overlay-start overlay)
+					     'w3m-href-anchor)))
+	      (throw
+	       'found
+	       (let ((pos (overlay-start overlay)))
+		 (cons (or result
+			   (get-text-property pos 'w3m-action))
+		       pos)))))))))
+(defun w3m-go-to-linknum (arg)
+  "Turn on link and form numbers and ask for one to go to.
+With prefix ARG don't highlight current link."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (w3m-with-linknum
+   4 (w3m-move-numbered-anchor
+      (if arg (w3m-read-number "Anchor number: ")
+	(w3m-read-int-interactive "Anchor number: "
+				  'w3m-highlight-numbered-anchor)))))
+(defun w3m-linknum-get-action (&optional prompt)
+  "Turn on link numbers and return cons of url or action and position
+of  PROMPT selected anchor.
+Highlight every intermediate result anchor."
+  (w3m-with-linknum
+   4 (w3m-read-int-interactive (or prompt "Anchor number: ")
+			       'w3m-highlight-numbered-anchor)
+   (w3m-get-numbered-url)))
+(defun w3m-linknum-follow (arg)
+  "Turn on link numbers, ask for one and execute appropriate action on it.
+When link - visit it, when button - press, when input - activate it.
+With prefix ARG visit link in new session."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((link (w3m-linknum-get-action
+	       (concat "Follow " (if arg "in new window ")
+		       "(select link): "))))
+    (if (consp link)
+	(cond ((stringp (car link))
+	       (if arg (w3m-goto-url-new-session (car link))
+		 (goto-char (cdr link))
+		 (w3m-goto-url (car link))))
+	      ((eq (caar link) 'w3m-form-submit)
+	       (widget-button-press (cdr link) (car link)))
+	      (t (goto-char (cdr link))
+		 (let ((w3m-form-new-session arg)
+		       (w3m-form-download nil))
+		   (eval (car link)))))
+      (error "No valid link selected"))))
+(defun w3m-linknum-read-url (&optional prompt)
+  "Turn on link numbers and return PROMPT selected url.
+Highlight each intermediate result anchor."
+  (w3m-with-linknum
+   1 (w3m-read-int-interactive (or prompt "Anchor number: ")
+			       'w3m-highlight-numbered-anchor)
+   (let ((link (w3m-get-numbered-url)))
+     (and (consp link) (stringp (car link))
+	  (car link)))))
 (provide 'w3m-lnum)