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Re: Wrong type error when calling all functions

In [emacs-w3m : No.11453] Chris Thompson wrote:
> Hi, I am having trouble installing emacs-w3m on an intel-mac. I have w3m
> running in terminal. I have tried pointing emacs-w3m makefile to
> directories that I believe to be correct. I don't get an error from
> (require 'w3m-load), but when I call any w3m functions the message says:
> Wrong type argument: array-p, nil.  I'm not sure how to investigate what
> is wrong, thanks for your help.

What version of emacs-w3m do you use?  Or where did you get the
emacs-w3m source from?  The latest one is as:


With this, w3m-load.el should be found in the same directory where
w3m.elc has been installed.  Try:

M-x locate-library RET w3m RET

Is the directory where you believe that emacs-w3m has been installed?