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Re: emacs-w3m-1.4.4 and emacs 23

On May 4, 2011, [emacs-w3m:11564],
osterchrisi (at gmx.at) wrote:

> I want to install emacs-w3m-1.4.4 together with emacs 23 but when making
> the files ('make' I mean) I get a lot of the following errors:
> ...and so on. What am I doing wrong? I run Linux Ubuntu Lucid.

In Ubuntu Lucid (10.04), the w3m-el (1.4.4-9) package is buggy, but
the w3m-el-snapshot (1.4.364+0.20090802-1) package is available.

If you'd like to install a more recent version with packaging,
you may take the package from Debian.


I believe the w3m-el-snapshot (1.4.437+0.20110422-1) package is
installable in Ubuntu.  Rebuilding isn't needed.

Tatsuya Kinoshita